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Everything posted by Lovelock

  1. With respect even if you were there the staff team cannot take witnesses
  2. I am agreeing with the above quote -support
  3. Lovelock

    Ban permban

    -support No template
  4. Lovelock

    Ban Appeal

    You are not using the full template as you are forgetting your Steam name and the dispute (if there is more missing I hope someone else can point out as I was writing this after being awake only 5 minutes)
  5. -support I am saying no to this as with site 13 a lot of people get lost trying to find a CC for example 682 and if the cuffs decay over say a 5 minute period this will make it seem as though a security or MTF are helping D Class to escape which makes it look like players are falling RP and this would cause a massive headache on the server not just for ordinary players but for staff also
  6. Hope you enjoy your time mate and I hope we will see you again on Gensec
  7. Where I agree it is off hours but you also need to understand that as a staff member you still need to be done what responsible and up hold the rules as what if a new player comes on sees you doing that they will think it is ok and get in trouble but also with that @Chinesemansaid staying to said not to shoot you mate with respect you only asked why he did it so I give a -/+ to this sorry
  8. Lovelock

    False ban

    You just have to wait for now because if they have a way to sort it their side for the bans then they will sort it and inform you sadly that is all the advise I can give you sorry mate
  9. ??? On the quote above but +support good staff member defo deserves promo
  10. Name - Lovelock Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:31955958 Discord Name - MichaelWebb100#5414 Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security) - Security and I am SM currently List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, etc) - 0 Why do you want to join Delta-5? Been on the branch before and I did have fun while on the branch Why should we let you into Delta-5? (50+ words) I would like to be let in to D5 as I have been D5 before I was an NCO and also a member of the FTO side and I feel that I am ready to come back as this time I do not need to worry about the staffing side of things Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes I do I also want to add that I will not be on the server now until 12/17/22 as I am on LOA getting ready for holiday IRL
  11. Lovelock

    my warn app

    - Support Please follow the format
  12. + support + Active + Decent staff member + Scenarios look good So yes Sen-Mod can ban but we are only allowed to ban up to 3 days then must request an extension to the appropriate time regardless of this my vote remains the same
  13. -support In order to re-contain 049 you MUST fearRP him with 3 people the way it is done in the clip is failRP as I have told you this also a couple times before
  14. This is a ban for only a week I would say to just ride it out but will not give a + or - and this is because of no evidence sorry mate
  15. -Support I am not in agreement to this because the 2 life rule makes it easy to balance out for the RP side but having 3 life rule will most likely make you get removed from 1 for inactivity
  16. Your in game name: Lovelock Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:31955958 The player's in game name: CI RCT SornMolten The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:566817667 Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 11/24/22 and UK time this happened at 08:45 What did the player do: This player came up to me and for no reason sounds like he is calling me the R slur Evidence (required): https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/JCEffMSwyuH_4/d1337adOTU0r?invite=cr-MSx0VFosNjQ2MTg2NzMs What do you believe should happen to the player: I believe this player be warned if the evidence is substantial enough Any extra information: This player has already got 13 warns to their name
  17. -Support To my knowledge you have to wait out your time sorry mate
  18. - No proof of warns - Wrong steam ID - Scenarios look rushed - New to the forums I am sorry but I am giving you a -support for the reasons above
  19. I only quoted it would be better to say that to Trizium
  20. In Game Name: Lovelock Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) STEAM_0:1:31955958 Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): MichaelWebb100#5414 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: GENSEC SM and most of their sub branches Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): Foxtrot 27 If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 0 (proof attached) Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: I enjoy the RP and I have noticed that these guys have a lot of jurisdiction and I fell that as Guardian would be great for me as I like to immerse myself into my character Why should we accept you: I feel I should be accepted because I enjoy the RP and I like to be helpful in many different ways I know I can be a serious player but I feel that being so would benefit a lot for whom ever I am with especially when it comes to the re-containment of an SCP as I would be able to work well in a team to get it back in it's CC and I feel I should be accepted as I know that the knowledge I am coming with from Security will help the RRH team out
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