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Posts posted by FusionThunder

  1. 5 hours ago, Pillercat said:

    Well, normally I'm one of the first to -Support these types of ban appeals, BUT this won't be the case this time and this is why:

    1. In the month's that I've gotten to know Pure, I've learned that doing something like this is simply not part of his character. He follows the rules and is always very respectful to others and easy to be around. There's no reason on why he would suddenly make a racist comment out of the blue.

    2. For us Americans, it's Thanksgiving and a big part of that is having family over. I'm sure a good portion of you reading this knows what it's like to have all your aunts, uncles, cousins, etc all over at your place and I think we all know that they want to play with your stuff. In this case, I believe Pure when he says that his cousin did it because on Thanksgiving, it makes sense.

    3. Let's look at Pure's warn/ban history:


    You will see absolutely no other warns or bans. Additionally, the ONLY punishments that I was able to find on the punishment roster were from 3-4 months ago. One was a removal from CI military for failing the recruit trial period (inactivity) in August and one was for inactivity in Nu-7 on the first of July. It's safe to say that this guy doesn't cause trouble.

    4. Pure has an open staff app. It makes no sense for someone with a perfect record to suddenly do a U-Turn and be stupid enough to make a racist comment in chat. Not to mention, Pure knows that if you say something racist in chat that it will lead to an instant ban. If he decided to break the rules, why would he do something that would 100% ban him the second he did it? That sounds like someone else that doesn't know our system went on and decided to be stupid.


    +Support for the removal of the ban.

    Additional +Support for a bonk on the head for letting his cousin touch his stuff.

     Well said! +Support

  2. 18 hours ago, monotee said:

    So then can I just get unbanned and if you want to give me a warning or so we can do that, instead of me waiting 2 whole days.

    Basically once this gets accepted you make a warning appeal and link this post to that and then everything will be off your record

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