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Posts posted by FusionThunder

  1. 1 hour ago, Coltable said:

    I need more details on what the hell your reporting


    To my understanding they’re referring to the new thing where if you are on a certain job and walk into a spawn it will not allow you in and it has triggered to random jobs with that door 

  2. On 11/8/2021 at 5:15 PM, Veesus said:

    +/- support

    I think teamspeak covers pretty well any possible use case this could be used for.

    I'd support this if and only if the radios could be looted/stolen from people via fearrp or something and allow branches without access to comms to get access to comms. Like a dclass would be able to steal a radio from researched and become able to read site comms 


  3. 12 hours ago, Sixx said:


    Utility overall is pretty inactive compared to combat branches (No Offense I Love Yall), but this would probaly help bring their activity up as more people can play the combat branches they love and a fully RP branch.


    2 hours ago, Phillers said:

    The argument I hear against this is always "But if it's more then 2 lives people will overwhelm themselves!" and honestly I think that is a very childish way to look at things.
    People playing on this server are not in kindergarden, they can manage their own time and dictate for themselves how many branches they are comfortable with being in.

    This basically 

  4. 1 hour ago, Kieran ♡ said:

    +Support for almost everything.

    -Support on the following ; 

    The Warden "Exclusive" job, That raises many red flags for me, as we know Wardens is a free quite easy to obtain sub-branch. Alpha Unit & HSU Mark 2 Units on the contrary, are not. They are hand selected from hand selected, They are classed as 'Special Forces' within the Gaminglight Community, Wardens on the other hand, are not. And this has been said many times. Whilst you may be setting heavy restrictions on said job, I see many issues that could crop up and this could sway the balance to which will most likely be disturbed. On-top of this D-Class will find it much harder to get to surface which *will* disrupt the amount of Chaos Insurgency recruits to which they gain.

    Non-Donator jobs should not have the cloaker device in my opinion, as said by Orange.

    Wardens is still pretty selective with who it lets in. I’ve seen many tryouts have 0 people get in. Plus this job was stated to be selected and they only give it to people they trust. There are also pretty hefty restrictions for allowing wardens into d block. I doubt this will really upset any balance for the moment and CI can still gain recruits through the forums right? 

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  5. 8 hours ago, PandaInShitpostLand said:

    I am unsure on how you think HP and armor work but i will give you a little lesson here

    The literal health and armor of an opponent, Lets say D4 for example, is 200, 200.
    The effective health of an opponent is how much damage it will take to kill them. for the D4 in this example that would be 400hp.

    Armor is basically harder to regenerate health that isnt HP in itself, but increases the effective health of someone
    Giving Tau5 400HP would be giving the Tau5 the effective health of a Delta-4. but this effective health is real health (Real health is much easier to get back than armor), And tau5 automatically regenerates!

    400Hp is absurd and it definitely should be lowered if your trying to buff them in this way.

    First of all, hella conceited tone. Secondly, I know how hp works and its never exactly been hard to do that amount of damage. Thirdly, if the amount you can heal is such an issue impose a cap on it for healing and/or disallow people healing tau5

  6. 7 hours ago, ItzGray said:


    10 seconds should be good enough. Having it be 3 seconds is way too short, and anyone without a medkit or armor kit will be at a huge disadvantage, as all they have to do is close a door and by the time its open again, they healed up.


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