Battalion/Jobs targeted:
Battalion: Purge
Job: Purge Trooper Heavy
Link to current models that are requested to be replaced (if replacing): models/player/sample/purge/sgt/sgt.mdl
- Content size: Couldn't find it.
Link to new models:
- Content size: 30 MB.
How would this benefit the server (will it help battalion/server activity and how?):
Within Jedi: Fallen Order, Purge Heavy Troopers have white pauldrons to set them apart. Currently, both Heavy and Brawler share the same black pauldron, so having the difference will help differentiate the jobs, as well as holding true to lore.
If the new pack is larger in size, do you believe the benefits exceeds the risk of adding more content to the server (risking loading times and possible performance) and why?:
Purge has some of the most basic models on the server, and compared to battalions models, we think that the size of this model is reasonable and won’t cause much harm to the server, especially after compression.