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Everything posted by Damien

  1. Dude everyone is getting angry at my posts but.... xDDDD
  2. Damien

    The funny x4

    @Pillow5 usd, final offer, if interested ask my paypal on DIscord xD
  3. Damien

    The funny x4

  4. If no one gets it just ask... xD
  5. Okay I was thinking I should do daily puns like this? Yes or no?
  6. -Support Doesn't look like a cop car Its kind of petty, its not like he did it repeatedly and I don't see its worth reporting
  7. @EcottI can't remember the last time +/- helped anyone.
  8. What you want to see? - A fucking cat gun Why should we add it? - Dude its a cat gun What are the advantages of having this? - A CAT GUN Who is it mainly for? - Cats... and me Links to any content - https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=827320827 HERE IS THE LINK TO IT
  9. Just because its not wrong enough doesn't mean it still isn't wrong
  10. Who is excited for this? I only hear good things about it. I wanna be one of the first members to experience this ride with my friends. Guess I am pulling another all nighter on this server
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