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Everything posted by Awsomeguy2021

  1. +Support -Active -Great guy -Would improve shock -Good leader -Has a lot of experience being a Vice Commander -Friendly and respectful - Trustworthy -Mature Good luck Pepper
  2. +Support -Dedicated -Experienced -Great leadership -Active -Best current candidate for the position!!! Good luck!!!
  3. -SUPPORT -Inactive -Hasn't been doing SIMs -Was demoted 2 weeks ago -Would not make a good VCMDR - Very short application -Misspelling and errors in application -Mingey -No Poll -Lying about his activity -Lying about game time -Lying about his app -Never takes lead -Never gives orders -Doesn't help out the battalion at all -Does not seem to understand everything a VCMDR does -No effort in app
  4. What is your In-Game Name: VALoons What is your In-Game Rank: HVY SGT Are you Purge or IQ: Purge What SIM's or Mission's do you want see in the future: N/A Any Improvement's or suggestion you wish to see the Executive command Team's do: Nope Y'all good
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