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The Real Slim Nova

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Everything posted by The Real Slim Nova

  1. What I am specifically stating is a non-combatant, and same could occur with a combatant, if they dont react fast enough.
  2. Stated above by Some Minge, someone could see SCP-8286 kill someone, and then the witness will be dead in an instant. The cooldown is only 3 seconds for the knife, maybe 5.
  3. Alright. This is a common bug that i've seen flying around on my screen, and its getting annoying. So, mainly as D-Class, a red screen, identifying that you've been damaged, pops up. In no matter have I been hit, or killed. I am assuming the code is either messed up, or its just a visual glitch.
  4. VOID THIS I was trained for RnD after I escaped
  5. What are you suggesting? - Giving SCP-8286 a cooldown for killing, then imitating a victim. How would this change better the server? - As SCP-8286 is considered OP right now, a little nerf would be helpful. This more helps the server with confusion, as there are no rules within SCP-8286's MOTD spot that says anything about cooldowns. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - Not that I can think of. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Everyone, not including SCP-8286 because its a nerf. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - This is what the MOTD could look like between SCP-8286-GL's section.
  6. -Support Mingy, and has multiple occasions were a ban was issued. Warns held show warns that staff should know to never do. Like said from Pillercat, you are lacking on the MRDM question, you didnt give a specified ban time, you just said you would give a warning. Staff should act professional, not mingy.
  7. +Support -May have 12 warnings, but like said, was given when he was new. -Active -Already staff -Good Application
  8. +Support -Good Guy -Seen him a bit today -Fit for CI
  9. Imma go play my nintendo switch bye
  10. -Support Ok yea, thanks rektify.
  11. As stated, more information needs to be given. But disregarding that, sincere apology, and seems to have changed. While I am not 100 percent certain, I can take 50% vs 50% of forgiving this situation. You seem like a more serious person now, and I feel as if I can trust you. Overall, from me, you get a... +Support Have a great day.
  12. Welcome, have a great time within Gaminglight. But what SCP-RP server, just wanna know which you come from.
  13. -Support Reason stated above from Rookieblue. Reason stated above from Sixx also. As seen, no community support is given, except for one. As thats one of my reasons, that is not my only reason. It is breaking plenty of rules if you break into the foundation. SCP-912 is not indestructible, hes an easy kill when not protected by any foundation personnel.
  14. You used the 2 last questions, which is restricted to Senior Mod+, you are supposed to do the Mass RDM question.
  15. The Real Slim Nova


    There is a security trainee job, you can be trained for it.
  16. In-game Name: Nova SteamID: STEAM_0:0:554693485 DiscordID: 718193727444746270, or 049#6815 What division do you want to join (Military or R&D): Research and Development. How would you rank your knowledge of the lore? On a scale of 1-10? 9/10 I've became interested in it, so yeah. Why should you be in Chaos Insurgency? (75 word minimum) Well to start it off, I am an Advanced Researcher in the Foundation, so researching as a RnD would be easier then starting plain. I am also a nice person, along with smart. I can think of easy test ideas, if we ever get an SCP. I am a fast thinker, such as thinking of test ideas as fast as possible. I already enjoy being a foundation researcher, so being a C.I. researcher would be a great opportunity. I overall believe I can be a great addition, from my experience. What is something that sets you apart from other applicants? I am trusted within the community, from what I have been told, and I am active. How active can you be? 10/10 Summer has started, so I am very active now. Do you have both TeamSpeak and Discord: YES
  17. +Support -Good voice changer -On a real note, good guy and is fit for RRH
  18. In-Game Name: Nova SteamID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:123456789) : STEAM_0:0:554693485 What is your ULX Rank?(Donator/Staff): Moderator (I am Moderator in-game, they just havent given me my tags on the website yet.) What is your time played on the SCPRP server?: 1 week and 3-4 days if the days were to show up. What is your RP Rank (MTF,SEC,CI, Etc)?: Security SFC, Advanced Researcher. What is your timezone?: GMT +2 How would you rate your knowledge of the SCP world? (1-10): 10 Do you have any experience as a Gamemaster or Event Planner? (If so, explain it): Nope, but I still believe I would be a good Event Team. How Active are you? (1/10): Before summer, 9, during summer, will be 10. How many warns do you have? (Across all Gaminglight Servers.Put the date/reason/server, then explain each one.): 0. Why should we allow you to be an Event Team Member (150+ Words)?: I should be allowed into ET due to my creative mindset, and how easily I can think of an event. I enjoy bringing fun RP into this server, and serious sometimes. As a Event Team Member, I can think of proper events, that let the whole entire server enjoy it. This server is a Semi-Serious RP server, and I can bring Serious RP. I believe my events would be interesting, fun to interact with, and participate in. I also always make sure every branch is involved within events, so it seems reasonable, and benefits the servers RP. Theres always a time where no events are being held, but if I were accepted into ET, I can make sure that there is an event. I know to never abuse my powers, and that ET gives me an advantage to grow the server. Since I am GMT+2, there arent many people on that see events, so I could bring mini events there. Describe an event you could create (The more specific the better): SCP Boxing Match. This event will start off with a simple advert. /advert [SITE] SCP's will be having a boxing match in approximately, 5 minutes. Change your name to SCPBoxing [NAME] to participate, remember, only 2 keter, and 4 euclid. I will then create a boxing arena in the big staff sit room, and make sure that SCP-682, and SCP-106 are not named SCPBoxing, due to them being restricted in the guidelines. I will then spectate, and have SCP's go by their numbers, and allow them to have fun. While making sure no rules are broken, and that its a fair fight. What is your favorite SCP? Why?: SCP-035, hes a very interesting SCP, with anomalous abilities that seem reasonable for the SCP Foundation. Reading its document, and the storyline of SCP-035 was impressive, and I thought it was a great SCP. Its overall interesting, and reasonable.
  19. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1XLR-T6pOuMl83fJHTAlm6AgXPiedAlGv4j7JUj4gLaQ/edit
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