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Ya Boi Sawrunner

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Everything posted by Ya Boi Sawrunner

  1. Exactly. I couldnt give a shit if its practical, how do YALL know how much free time I got? Remember, activity in a branch is pretty loose, with requirements for command and enlisted both being very lax. Being active in two branches could require as little as an hour of time a week, and still technically be fully considered active. Obviously, people who have time to play gmod usually have more time in a week than just 1 fuckin' hour. Just cause yall cant do it doesn't mean someone else cant. + SUPPORT
  2. Oh today I dont even play except to keep my CCs from going on auction. The servers problems aint gonna ever go away, they'll only get worse and better and worse and better back and forth.
  3. can go anywhere, with limitations. or just, being able to go anywhere period bruh
  4. "with limitations" or just...anywhere. i know its your branch man, but thats not a very good sales pitch lmao
  5. The ones that wear water droplets as hats. That shits fucking adorable.
  6. The bitchlessness lives and breathes here. For just pennies a day, you can get a Gaminglight player a hoe, and save their life. The benefits to their life include the following; - Going outside. - Growing a pair of testicles. - Touching grass. - Finding god - True happiness (your mileage may vary) seriously though, half the rules are fucking retarded and most people dont care, we dont get ruled by a vocal minority, we shouldnt let it happen here cause some people are fucking pussies. Look up in warns/bans for me real quick, just the word "Zeeptin" and go to the 4th page. Look at 4/08/2020. Thats the thing, even at the highest levels here, most people dont actually give a fuck. Its all these clowns who probably watch Jellybean and haven't had a father figure in their life for so long its unreal. Even some of the people who "care" just care because they have a position to uphold or something, feigning fucks to give because they dont want to feel as though their virtual time was wasted, clawing their way towards reserves so they can breathe again. How many times does someone know there is no turning back and let loose? How many resignations were followed by them letting it all out? The truth is, this is GMod. A game, so immeasurably retarded, that it has managed to stay relevant for comin up on 2 decades now. The truth is, you started on here playing TTT and DarkRP, Sandbox, Jailbreak, Flood. Truth is, you have been called more slurs than you even knew existed. Do you know how many times I, someone who is white, been called the N word? Other non applicable slurs? How about, to play GL you gotta play 5 hours of Border RP. That is like, the bitchmade filtration system right there. There is genuine racism in there. I have been around genuine racism, genuine homophobia, genuine ableism or whatever. Me calling my friend a retard? Harmless. Me calling someone being a retard, a retard? Harmless. If they're so much of a pussy they cant stand being called names on the internet, they really shouldnt be playing Gmod. You realize what we do on this server, right? Torture? Human sacrifice? Homicide? There are monsters in that facility that will reach into you, and crush one of your organs so they can feed on your flesh and follow you til you decay to the point where there is nothing to be done but to be torn apart. There is a faction who would string you up and execute you for the worship of disease. There is a specific system in place to gauge the effectiveness of mutilation and maiming of kidnapped hostages for information. We have groups who if ordered to slaughter every one of their coworkers, will do so without remorse or hesitation. Creatures who will turn you into abominations against creation itself, melding your flesh like play-doh to create a being fueled by anger and the need to subject other's bodies to the same torture. How in the FUCK are people out here tryna make this fucking place some kinda safe space?
  7. Fuckin' trooper. The key is to wait until there is no staff and the RDM is considered a technicality and can possibly be excused as an accident. I totally didnt mean to long arm an rpg shot into someones cell in lower d block, I was just tryin to point blank the 100 hp d class with a usp for no discernable reason, or something.
  8. Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - n/a This translates roughly to "Oh lawd yes I do in my 'homework' folder but that gon get me banned if I share." +support
  9. homie i have seen applications for people getting into political positions that have less words. tone down the main character syndrome, i know the name "chaos insurgency" is a bit off, but edginess wont get you anywhere also, if you are so good at fighting, just...escape normally?
  10. thats why yo mama dead seriously tho if they are talking shit, we dont need to categorize said shit in like 5 different shades. Shit talking is shit talking.
  11. +support iT cAuSeS lAg like bro what doesn't fucking cause lag, bring back the most interesting scp or add something better to fuck with than a book and scps who wont rp
  12. we arent gonna pretend thats anything more than a drop in the pond here, server is getting hundreds if not thousands a day. +support, free the lizard
  13. +support What on this damn server doesn't cause lag, exactly? When is GL NOT lagging? Make it a menu or something if you are so worried.
  14. +support tho if a new escaping d class dies when they touch it out of curiosity, bring them back, cause that would be cancer for a new player
  15. +support i gotta tell people to get bitches somehow
  16. What are you suggesting? - Make a "cycle" or "shuffle" option with deathcards, making it select a random deathcard you own everytime you get a kill. So for those who use multiple cards or own multiple, it could pick one at random everytime it presents one. How would this change better the server? - Gives you a chance to not have to have buyer's remorse or make sure your old deathcards still get the opportunity to shine when you have forgotten them. Are there any disadvantages of making this change to the server? If so, explain. - None I can think of. Who would this change mostly benefit? - Anybody who has more than one deathcard Please link any workshop content, screenshots, or anything that you think may be helpful to those who view this suggestion - N/A
  17. why cant the server ever just have consistent combat imma come back one of these days and the meta will be the uzi and fucking golden pan or something stupid. It aint a skill issue if you get one shot, its a "there wasnt anything you could do if you just got clicked on and immediately died" cause unless you are doing the same thing right back, there wasnt anything TO do, and then the problem is the same +support one of these days the server will have consistent balance, i hope.
  18. I dont think it should be rank restricted, we really dont need more rank locked or class locked shit. Consider the following: You have been captured by an opposing force actively against you. Both interrogation locations are in something nearing the heart of their base. Yknow, balls deep behind enemy lines? Your friends miiiiiight be coming, maybe, how the hell would you know? Doesn't change the here and now, and they are likely going to kill you anyways for secrecy. When you are interrogated, you are surrounded by people who are well armed and enthusiatic to TORTURE you. You are surrounded by the enemy and at their mercy, in a situation where you cant fight back. I think anybody in that situation could have the capacity to intimidate, you are at the mercy of your interrogator and their methods are not under your control. The concept of torture is unpleasant in general. So it doesn't matter WHO you are being interrogated by, the experience is the same. +Support, dont make it rank locked or -support.
  19. damn man maybe if d5 just had normal fucking weapons we wouldnt have this problem lmao tf is going on? I wanna return every now and then and see shit like this. On the CI side, any melee weapon is op or underpowered in various situations, but like, it does seem pretty tanky. Would we call this karma for all the times you rushed mtf crowds down with a gold golf club and clean sweeped with it? I dunno, but at least everyone knew what it did. On the D5 side, are yall sure you dont just want something nerfed so its not just a waste of an item? Like, dont you have to sell a kidney to get a branch update? Maybe being more transparent about how your guns and weapons work would help, if everyone knows how it works it makes the servers gameplay easier. Keeping secrets makes branch relations a mess. I think the optimal solution would be someone putting better examples of the weapon in action from the players POV, perhaps an ET showing how it works more? Once we have a visible basis of HOW it works this conversation will be less, yknow, fucking dumb. Everyone is sayin one thing and everyone is sayin something else, how bout we get some straight up showing of it being used in a neutral situation from either side, then a bit more of it in action? FROM A NEUTRAL PARTY FOR CHRISTS SAKE. Look at yall, its both sides rushing to defend their baby or demonize their enemy, its pointless. Just be more open. Everyone knows how TFA works and shit, not many know how your destiny guns work besides those in D5.
  20. She tryna meet carti okay, the title can be worded better, but like....its music, with rap being one of if not the most popular genre in pop culture today, and the fact we are playing fucking gmod, you are bound to hear music with the n word in it. Oh fuckin' well. I also have no intention of being the one who tells a black guy he cant say the n word. Like, tell the gay guy he cant say the f slur, go tell a person with autism they cant say retard, like bro my ex has straight up autism and she makes jokes about her being a "retard" all the time. GL just soft as fuck sometimes and tbh, this can be step in the right direction. If its just blatantly racist music, thats one thing, but if you are just playing a song and oh no scary n-word, this is an M rated game, with one of the most fuckered communities present on it. We play a server where we do brutal torture and human sacrifice, homicide, deal with anomalies who will mutilate and devour human beings for fun, terrorism, liveleak type shit around every corner, this damn server aint a safe space, and the more we push it to be like one, the more we push people to play other shit anyways.
  21. why in fucks name would he intentionally annoy zeeptin, what do you MEAN its likely he would do so intentionally? clearly you dont know him if you think he would just go out of his way to irritate zeeptin lmao Besides, dude got banned during a span of time he wasnt even around, lets not forget that. He wasnt even on his computer or discord.
  22. Kay, cool, tbh i dont care if Christ himself banned the dude, can the man at least get a reason?
  23. Can confirm, dudes been playing xbox and going to school all week, hasnt really touched his PC lmao. +support, at least tell him WHY if any reason at all
  24. Could find a way to implement RFA in the new system tho, aint like we haven't changed them up a bit before. It only hurts us if we dont adapt, and like...we are probably the most adaptive force on the server as of late. +support i aint done an echo-5 since the fuckin' paleolithic era What rp branch sends ANYBODY to surface with the SOLE exception of RFA, which can just be adapted to it the same way it was for the original Echo-5? Paid add ons give me terminal cancer but like, thats deadass just money for lunch right there. McDonalds order is about the same cash, and with how much money the servers rake in, its likely a drop in the puddle.
  25. +support The fact we dont already have it infuriates me. Give me my dance back.
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