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About Xenoz

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  1. +/- Support -support Application not long enough -support I've never seen you on Naval before +support Admin and NCO in DT so I trust him with this spot. +support Application shows good intent despite being short
  2. +\- support - application not long enough - Kinda inactive Naval. + DT Officer so I feel you can be trusted. + Although I've never seen you on Naval, I have seen you do good things as a DT.
  3. What is your ingame name?: Xenoz What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:227466409 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Ensign What specialty are you applying for?: Security Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral Garrick Versio What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? To improve the branch I will be responsible for looking over both Shock and DT and making sure they properly do their jobs. I have been in Shock before so I have a good understanding of the battalion and how they could be lead. I have also been making efforts to make good relations with members of DT so I can have a better relationship with them. I will make efforts to help members in both Shock, and DT who do not know what they're doing or what they're supposed to be doing. I will try to help as many players as I can with, understanding their battalions, understanding their roles on the ship overall. I will also try to host as many SIMs as possible to keep everyone happy, and their skills up to par. Tryouts will also be a priority of mine because, usually during the day we have a small 3-4 amount of Shock online which is not enough to deal with all the minges online, and so, that is why I am wanting to host a lot more tryouts within Shock. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I feel as I should be trusted with this position because, I have shown effort for improvements with myself since I have came back to the server. I have had positive interactions with all of the players I have come across. I am a good role-player, which will help with being a Security Officer because most Shock need a good role-player role model. I have also made effort to make good connections with much of Shock, DT, and lots of good players overall. Why do you want this rank?: I want this rank because, I feel I could be a good role model for a lot of the Shock privates and even some of the NCOs. I have seen Shock during Defcon 2-3 scenarios and they are very lost with what they are supposed to be doing. To prevent this, I will make sure I am always there for them to keep them aware of what they're supposed to be doing and where they're supposed to be at. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?: Yes, I understand that if I receive a strike I will be stripped from this rank. What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: My purpose as a Security Officer is to make sure the security personnel of the ship, such as Shock and DT as doing as they are supposed to. As a Security Officer I am tasked with, maintaining arrest reports and RFAs. Training security on how to properly keep the ship secure and how to act while doing so. Security Officers also have to oversee Deathtrooper and Shock Trooper security and, I will also be tasked with supervising the ISDs security overall.
  4. What is your ingame name?: Xenoz What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:227466409 What is your rank on the Naval Roster?: Midshipman What specialty are you applying for?: Security Officer What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?: Admiral not Ostrich What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for? To improve the branch I will be responsible for I can help new Shock Trainees and DT PVTs learn all of the rules and how their jobs as the ships Security works. Why should you be trusted with this position?: I feel I should be trusted with this position because I am very responsible, able to take initiative and lead, and also good at following instructions. Why do you want this rank?: I would like this rank so I can improve the stability and security of our ship and make sure our Shock and DT know what to do and how to do it properly. Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:Yes I understand if I receive a strike I will be demoted from this rank. What is your purpose within your assigned branch?: The purpose of a Security Officer is to control the security personnel on the ship. Including Shock and DT Battalions. As Security Officer I will also be responsible for maintaining arrest reports and RFAs, training security on how to do their jobs properly and supervising the ISDs overall security.
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