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Mark Long

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Everything posted by Mark Long

  1. This map will never happen. Plus, did you even join the server in the past month?
  2. -support The rule for the cars infrnt of the door is already in place with it being unlocked. The rule is perfectly fine because this is the only way other then a hostage for stalling. If crim could not stall we would lose because all gov needs like 3 tac and they just smoke us out and push or they throw gas when there's three of them that die.
  3. Another smurk?. -suppirt did not make vote
  4. +support This would add to the judge rp and prevent people from getting yelled at from their command when they try and rp. Make this gold+ because we need more gold jobs
  5. In game name: Cuke Discord: Cuke#0467 SteamID: STEAM_0:1:460259112 Rate your activity 1-10 (1 being lowest 10 being highest): 5 Anything we should know?(If your activity is below a 5 this is a good place to explain why):
  6. -support We also had a military server awhile back but that shut down pretty sure.
  7. +support this would be perfect idea and needed!
  8. There's alot of people that make sits about this.
  9. +support This would help with the issue of bank minges. I just had a thing before I got off to deal with the dungeater guy that keeps running into bank and when we taze him he ltaps or ltarp's. This would solve the issue of people confused with getting to the car dealer. The only cons with this is that you said it will spread people out and that's what my man Jimmy does not want.
  10. -support "Been staff 2 times" why were you not staff anymore?
  11. -support Let's just do the -support to not get slapped and lit on fire for speaking out against the gods of truth.
  12. +support Very good dedication to the server with $700+ donated. He is never bias and very friendly. You did not make a poll.
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