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About Meledits1

  • Birthday July 21

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  1. My Time in GL was a blast even if it was just 8-9 months. I wish this couldn't end but IRL matters call me so I'll Miss Everyone I've met over my time here but its time for me to go. I'll still remember all the great times we had and even remember the times we got in trouble. I'll miss the friends I've made here and I'll make sure to try and stay in contact. Remember, your never forgotten if someone tells your story. Our time runs short and our next adventure begins my friends but now its time for me to go but before I go, here are some special mentions. Special Mentions Seaman: Best SF Marshal and Grand Moff Bon: Best Shock Commander Ted: Even if you were inactive, you were still semi-active Koopa, Polarity- Biggest joksters around, you guys really need to stop re-marrying each other every 5 seconds, LOL Astro and Kitchan: Some of the best rising naval I've seen from a while Soldier: Best Naval Admiral Miyo, Rex: You guys are always chaotic which is why we are a trio and its always fun to play with you guys. Rice- Fastest rising SMT, I'm proud of you. if you weren't mentioned, do not be ashamed or sad, its because I'm running out of time. Goodbye my friends, - Former ST Commander Mel / Agent Gideon Hask IF2 - Reserved EX-ST COL Mel / R IF JSL Levi Hill https://gyazo.com/f0cec000e89b7cfac5ea6275db711d5d https://gyazo.com/4b832b1bed5e830324bf02cda5fc78cb
  2. He has been helping IF and GM for as long as he can. He'd be a great fit for Fleet Admiral.
  3. “Manifesting Destiny of ISD GL and Light Cruiser Pandora” Event Type: Mega Event (Defcon-1) Event Description: Admiral, Our engine core has been heavily damaged. What is our next plan of action?. The Rebel Alliance is planning a full on invasion of the plant of Endor but ISD GL and Light Cruiser Pandora stand in the way of this from happening. The rebels will be attempting to break the blockade that blocks Endor. Your task as ISD GL will be simple, stop the rebellion from reaching Endor and destroy their fleet! If you fail at this task, the rebels will be able to set up camps on Endor and be able to grow stronger to counter the empires plan to secure the planet of Endor! What could have gone better in the event?: I believe the event would have ran a lot smoother if player count was lower so we could have been able to spawn more rebels and Ai. I also believe the communication between actors and gm could be improved as well as some rebels were reported for targeting players after being told to go to certain locations. Please leave your feedback on my event in the comments, as well as a rating from 1 (bad event) to 5 (good event).
  4. The battalion is in real need of a sub battalion like this and it might get us more connected with other regiments!
  5. I banned him because both Kile Hannad and I were talking and walked by them (there was a group but he was the only one micspamming at the time) and we were talking and we thought we heard the n word and stood nearby to confirm we actually did and hear if we could hear it again and we fully confirmed that he was playing a song that said the n word, unconfirmed the first time but second time was. I was on ISB at the time walking around the ISD when this happened. When I brought him into the sit I explain the severity of the situation and he was complying and he did confirm that there was n-word said in the song (once) but his reason for it is because its off time and since 20 people are on the server that he can mic spam and minge and get away with it. The song intotal says the N-word 7 times but we can only confirm hearing it once.
  6. +Support -Always helping IF command - Always has suggestions for IF and is trying to make the battalion better - Always willing to listen when given orders - Doesn't minge as much as the other candidates and does his job. GOOD LUCK APPO!
  7. This is 100% an honest mistake and he's taking the blame for it. He even tried apologizing multiple times for it. You also cut the video of the moments after the incident, because Benjacobs could have said more to support his case on how it was an accident.
  8. I've seen you a few times around the ISD and I'm not impressed because I usually find you mic spamming or minging.
  9. I sadly have to -support kurt. I would wait a little bit and do a bit more for ST but you have good intentions with applying so good luck.
  10. + Support -Active Member -has previous experience in havoc -Great Application Good Luck Scrubby, Hopefully you get the position.
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