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  1. What do you want to see?: I would want to add a "dradio" to the Pyke_Supervisor job. Why should we add it?: You should include it because we need it to communicate with the imperials if we have a seized a location (ex. Bridge or EC) or someone kidnapped when carrying out raids (simulations/trainings). We should keep this because I feel it is our responsibility as Pyke Supervisors to not metagame with it and instead utilize it for discussions(negotiations, etc). We can also utilize it for events in helping imperials and or on rebels. What are the advantages of having this?: The benefits of possessing this includes dealing with negotiations at any time and improving roleplaying among the Pyke Syndicate and Imperials in many ways. Who is it mainly for?: Pyke Leaders & Pyke Supervisors Links to any content: N/A | dradio
  2. +Support - Active on the server - Well Known - Decent Application - Seems Dedicated Goodluck
  3. -Support - Haven't seen you on the server before - Lacking on Information (Improvements can be done in the future) - Activity can be better. -Good luck
  4. +Support Seen you in-game RPing multiple times Active and has Experience Application is good. -Good luck
  5. +Support - Decent Looking Application - Holds a good enough rank position on Gaminglight - Trusted and Known ------------------------------------------- -Support Lacking Activity on Forums(Improvements can be done) - Overall +SUPPORT
  6. Questions 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) : - Pyke Captain ESR Sudden 2. What Regiment are you applying for? - Pyke Syndicate 3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch? - I would like to become a Vice Commander of this branch since I adore the Pyke Syndicate and my battalion. If I became an Underboss (Vice Commander) for my battalion, I would work with the Pyke Syndicate more and more as my experience within the Pyke Syndicate Battalion grew. I also want to deal with minges in our branch/battalion and act on them, and I want everyone to know that the Pyke Syndicate battalion is not a "Minge" battalion, as I rise through the ranks and earn more involvement. I also want to increase the number of people in Pyke and watch Pyke expand every single day, 24/7. I also want to see more activity inside the Syndicate, such as raids, recruitments, SIMs, and trainings, and I want Pyke Syndicate to be regarded as one of the best battalions to join. I also want Pyke to maintain a positive environment that encourages people to join the Pyke Syndicate and ensures that everyone receives the necessary RP experience. Furthermore, I want to ensure that Pyke is up to its standards, and I do not want any members of the Pyke Syndicate to be in violation of the regulations. 4. How much game time do you have on the server? - 1,880:04 | https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/984212791 5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch? - The Commander/Vice Commander's primary responsibility in a battalion is to ensure the troopers success and to guide its men. The superior command is the Commander/Vice Commander, who is in charge of the branch's actions, success, and morale in general. The main rank "Commander" is in responsible of ensuring that the battalion remains intact and that no minges / rule violators are present. I also believe that the major objective of a "commander" for a battalion is to assist the entire battalion in determining what may be improved and ensuring that what is done is done. A Commander/Vice Commander's main goal is to guarantee that all of our battalion members are held accountable for their actions and that our standards are met, as well as to lead, manage, and maintain a favorable image for our battalion. 6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? : - I should be accepted with a Vice Commander rank because of my reputation within the community of Gaminglight. I feel like I'm trusted with the position by the community of Gaminglight and I think I've proven myself that I am dedicated and determined in my position in Gaminglight right now. I feel like me reaching so many ranks in Gaminglight ImperialRP in many battalions in the past and or presence made me believe that I fit for this position. I am a respectful and chill person to play with and I respect everyone in my surroundings. When I encounter people new to the server they always have questions and I try to answer them to my best abilities. I am very dedicated into this position as I am moving high in the ranks and I will be continuing to show professionalism and dedication in my work at all times. 7. How often can you be Online? : Monday - Friday (Around 3-5 Hours | Will be striving MORE) Saturday - Sunday (Around 5 - 6.5 Hours | If not, will notify someone) 8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) : 2022 - ImperialRP | [GL] Sudden - FailRP 2022 - ImperialRP | [GL] Sudden - ARDM x2 2021 - PoliceRP | Sudden - (Copbait/Loopholing Priority Rules) 2021 - PoliceRP | [GL] Sudden - RDM 2021 - PoliceRP | Sudden - Minor Exploiting | Lying to staff 2021 - PoliceRP - [GL] Sudden - Prop Climb 2021 - PoliceRP | [GL] Sudden - FailRP 2021 - PoliceRP | [GL] Sudden - ARDM | FailRP 2021 - PoliceRP [GL] Sudden - LTARP 2021 - PoliceRP | [GL] Sudden - NLR|LTAP
  7. +Support - I've seen you in game holding events and being active several times. - Well Written Application ----------------- -Support - All I see is the time on when you started playing in this community (But it can be improved overtime) and I do believe this member of the Gaminglight Community has determination in this application and community. ----------------- (Overall I give this a +SUPPORT in this application) - Goodluck
  8. -Support Application is deficient in information (Improvements on Application Can Be Done In The Future) Didn't Link SteamID I see you on the server every now and then, but a little more activity can be maintained. ----------------------------
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