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Posts posted by Beanbazzled

  1. What is your in game name?:


    What is your SteamID:


    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:

    At the time of this post I am a Midshipman

    What specialty are you applying for?:

    Aviation Officer

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:

    Fleet Admiral Gallius Rax

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?:

    I will try to keep SF busy with SIMs and trainings, as well as I will try to keep pushing the NCOs and Officers to do more tryouts to keep SF as one of the most active battalions on the server. If I were to get this position my first priority would be to get my tryout certification so that I could assist with the tryouts. I have also noticed an issue with some lower enlisted in SF not following orders from higher ups during events. This is an issue that I would like to solve as soon as possible by making sure each and every person in SF understands the rules and what will be expected of them during events. Right now SF is known as a pretty mingy battalion and I would like to fix this as soon as possible because in the end I would like to see SF as a more serious and respected battalion while still keeping it as fun as it already is.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?:

    I believe I should be trusted with this position because as a 2LT in the 501st I have a good amount of experience with leadership. As an ARC trooper I am also very good with communication and teamwork. I am also a former SF which means I already have a good understanding of their rules and responsibilities. I feel like I already have a good relationship with most of the SF officers and Marshals, which would make it very easy for me to integrate myself into the battalion. My activity is another reason I should be trusted with this position because I am on every single day for around 6-8 hours a day, sometimes more. This would make it very easy to reach me for any questions or complaints that someone may have about SF. I also feel that I work very well with others which makes it easy to cooperate on decisions within the battalion and I would never make a decision without consulting with others in SF first. I am always open to listen to any criticism about me or the battalion so that I could fix whatever issue there may be as soon as possible.

    Why do you want this rank?:

    I want to become an Aviation Officer because I really enjoyed my time as an SF and would love to be able to work with them again. SF is also one of my favorite groups of people on this server and I think it would be really fun to work with them to make the battalion better and more fun for everyone. I would also love to work with the current AOs as well as the new CAO. I would also like to help to improve the public image of SF by making sure that we behave ourselves during events.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:


    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:

    As an AO my job is to oversee SF and to make sure all operations are running smoothly. I am meant to make sure that NCOs and Officers are doing enough tryouts, as well as do some myself. I should also be hosting SIMs and trainings to keep SF busy as well as to make them ready for whenever an event comes. I should also be making sure that everyone in SF is aware of all of the rules and protocols that they are required to follow.

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