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Posts posted by Beanbazzled

  1. On 3/27/2021 at 5:29 PM, Rose Monroe said:

    +/- Support 

    Cool Idea

    Shouldn't be it's own sub-branch due to how specific it is

    My Idea to you is to just make this apart of researchers, So researchers who are trained in this kind of stuff can use the job. It would allow the job to be used for its intended purpose well also still being able to do the job of a normal researcher making it more appealing to join.


  2. 8 hours ago, not Jeff said:


    -That is "very short app" I feel like your app is rushed through. And very poor grammer.

    -You didn't explain what you are going to help improve in, in shock and DT, aswell as your main objective very well.

    -Olso Shock dosent just man brig and bridge CP.


    Read "NAVAL SPECIALTY GUIDELINES" on the naval Handbook.


  3. 4 hours ago, jensonbarnes said:

    KTAP Is simply not a bannable offence and i don't know why he banned you for ktap
    If you weren't aware that you were getting chased the staff member could've just arrested you to compensate for the situation as that is what he should've of done.


  4. On 3/19/2021 at 11:57 PM, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:

    Since these are 31st models, there's no point in having them considering we now have 'Havoc', I don't see a reason why the Stormtrooper Jet Trooper job needs 3, former 31st models. The model we have is just fine in my opinion, and I would rather have these models removed, Also pretty sure a Custom Job owns them now. (Jello) is the owner of it. 


    I would rather sacrifice the models for a optimized server, instead of keeping them, and making them your Jump Trooper models. especially since you don't need a 30MB Pack, for one Job. 

    Current JT model is fine, I see no reason to change it

  5. 1. What is your IGN? (In Game Name) :

    501st ARCAL MAJ Bean 2320

    2. What Regiment are you applying for?

    501st Vice Commander

    3. Why do you want to be a commander of this branch?

    Ever since I joined this server I have wanted to prove myself by becoming the Vice Commander of a battalion and there is no other battalion I would rather do it with than the 501st. I want to be a Vice Commander in the 501st because I have really enjoyed my time in the battalion so far and I have really bonded with each member within it. I would like to be in a position where I am more able to help others have a good experience with the battalion and enjoy it as much as I have. I would make their experience better by running more SIMs and missions for them to make sure they are kept busy so they won't be bored. Also having this position would allow me to more effectively mediate an argument between troopers and limit any drama within the battalion to further enhance the experience for others. I also want to be able to assist our current Senior Commander with all the duties that come with that position and to help make his job easier.

    4. How much game time do you have on the server?

    4 Weeks

    5. What is the Main Purpose of a commander for a branch?

              The main purpose of the Vice Commander of a branch is to assist the Commander in overseeing all operations within their assigned battalion. They are expected to keep the roster as well as all SOPs and other documents up to date. They should also be speaking to command members from other battalions regarding any issues between members. A Vice Commander should be a prime example for their troopers on how you should act if you want to make it far in the battalion. They should also make sure all troopers within their battalion understand their responsibilities and what they are expected to do. It is very important for any member of command in a battalion to interact with every trooper so that they feel important and welcomed within the battalion.

    6. Why should we trust you to be a commander? :

    I believe I should be trusted as a Vice Commander for a multitude of reasons. Firstly, I am a pretty easy person to talk to which I feel is a super important trait for a member of command. I get along with pretty much everybody on the server and am pretty popular amongst my fellow troopers. I am also very level headed and unbiased when it comes to dealing with conflicts between players. My position as ARCAL has helped me tremendously by showing what it's like to lead a group of people. The position has helped me make tough decisions more confidently as well as it has given me a small insight as to what it will be like as a Vice Commander. Furthermore, I am extremely active on the server which makes it very easy to reach me for any questions or concerns about my battalion. Finally, I think I have a good balance of being fun while also being a role model for other troopers. I am able to keep things fun and interesting for the troopers while at the same time making sure all rules are followed. It is important to have this balance so that your troopers will be ready and serious when it is required of them while still allowing them to have fun during their free time on the ship.

    7. How often can you be Online? :

    I can be online everyday for 10+ hours a day.

    Proof of Activity: https://www.battlemetrics.com/players/591184339?servers[4604844]=1M

    8. Do you have any Warnings? (What for?) :

    I currently have 3 warnings: https://prnt.sc/10qxdpo

  6. 39 minutes ago, Kieran ♡ said:


    - RJ has done a lot for not only Havoc, But Gaminglight as a whole, He has worked his way up to Command in most servers and has worked amazingly in all,
    - He is Active & Dedicated for the Server'(s),
    - Been here longer than most,
    - Does the best he can to improve Activity in any battalion necessary,

    - Excellent Candidate

    = Good luck RJ ! | Keep the Work up! =


  7. 35 minutes ago, Nimo said:


    Has been in Naval for a very long time now.

    Has a lot of experience as Naval and as High Command.

    Leads Naval very well (Broke the record of 25 Naval on at once)

    Great Leader and Competence

    Amazing Effort, really shows what he has accomplished as his time as Grand Moff Tarkin and Naval High/Senior Command in general.

    Good luck Classy !!

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