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Posts posted by Beanbazzled

  1. 14 minutes ago, Barrett said:


    Bismarck has been the ideal Low Command officer:
    promoting activity
    organizing SIMs 
    and staying on top of Sniper docs as vice lead.
    Shown excellent leadership ability as well as great dedication to IC

    App is a little short but he has more than earned this spot in my opinion.

    Best of luck man.


  2. On 5/14/2021 at 12:08 PM, Kieran ♡ said:

    +/- Support | Leaning to - 

    - As you know, You recently came off a in-activity leading to LOA/ROA period, Which doesn't look good, 
    - Compared to Mahoogly, You've got a lot of catching up to do!

    - You're inactivity has definitely decreased a lot, A lot more than a Commander should have. 

    - However in the times you were active, You did your job well when asked to do something. 

    - You did add some implementations that were risky but worked.

    - Good Luck Ryker. 



  3. 4 hours ago, QuickFlash727 said:


    -Rarely see you on Sf

    -Hasn’t done a sim in a while

    -Activty needs improvement

    -Also have a warm for homophobia, and got warned in sf

    -Hasn’t promoted anyone or been on in sometime 

     -Your a great person but you really need to improve you activity 


  4. 18 hours ago, TAlila | Tay Keith! said:

    Hey, I was the person that warned you.

    I was AFK in spawn, Planning a Storyline event when I heard shooting & reloading. I walked around and saw nobody, after I opened a door, there was you infront of two bodies. You pretended to be AFK, when I opened the door, I backed up, let the door close, and re-opened it up when you decided to reload. I checked Blogs, You had killed 2 people, and Injured 2 people. 



    To me this seems like a valid warn

  5. 1 minute ago, ClassyBuck said:

    https://prnt.sc/12sc406 From what it seems, you haven't been on the server for very long before making this application (You made this only 6 days after coming back). Correct me if this is a mistake or if you changed your Steam Name between now and then (because that kinda screws with battlemetrics). For now this is a minus support.


  6. On 5/8/2021 at 11:45 PM, Polarity said:


    From what I have seen on this topic it was already dealt with. This happened during an SMT event a few days ago which was noticed by High Command and SMT causing a statement to come out in the command discord about not shooting in bunks especially during PDB time in order to not disturb others. Bunks are also a non RP area most of the time and since this was after the PDB it looks like just friends having fun and if they had a problem with it then it would've been reported at that time and there is no real need to bring it up now as he has already been talked to by his command.


  7. 1 minute ago, ClassyBuck said:

    This is your second ever post on the forums and made your account only a day ago. You also did not seem to put a whole lot of effort into this application, best of luck however!

    I agree with Classy on dis one !!

  8. 55 minutes ago, mikey! said:

    -Good & Active Staff Member
    -Active on the Forums
    -Very kind and respectable person
    -Application could improve in some questions but effort was put in.

    Overall Classy is a really good staff member and would be a good Forum Diplomat, and what he said isn't really wrong in some situations, I still think Classy would try and help them. Good Luck Classy!

    Good luck Classy !!

  9. In-Game Name:


    Steam Name:

    [GL] Beanbazzled



    What is your staff rank and the server you work in?

    GM Admin on ImperialRP

    How often are you online on the forums?

    I am always actively looking at the forums throughout the day.

    Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?

    I believe I am qualified to be a Forum Diplomat because I have only been a part of this community for almost four months now and I have very quickly worked through the ranks in both staff and RP. I am also constantly searching through the ImperialRP section of the forums and I see pretty much every post made under this section minutes after it is posted. I search through the other sections of the forums as well, although not as often, however if given this rank I will check them more often as I understand that is what will be expected of me. I am also very good at making unbiased decisions as well as keeping a level head in frustrating situations. I have also read the Forum Diplomat handbook and I am well versed on all of the forum rules.

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision?

    I would say I have good judgement. My high ranks in both staff and in RP have required me to make many tough decisions and so far I would say I have done a very good job at doing so. A recent example of a tough decision is when I had to remove someone from a sub battalion in the 501st due to the person not meeting expectations. It was hard for me to do because that person was a friend of mine and I know that position meant a lot to them.

    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers?

    If a situation like this were to occur, I would first start off by DMing the person who is spamming posts and let them know that spamming is not going to help their issue. I would then direct them towards the appropriate ban appeal section for whichever server they were banned from. If they were to ignore my message and continue to spam topics I would hide their posts or lock their topic and message the Head Forum Diplomat with my reasoning for doing so. If necessary I would also contact the Head Forum Diplomat to issue a warn.

    How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal?

    I would start off by replying to the post letting them know to stop arguing and to keep the topic to +/- supports only and that if they fail to do so the topic will be locked and left for SMT to decide. I would then hide any posts that go against the forums rules and if they continue to argue I would lock the post and message the Head Forum Diplomat about what happened.

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