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Posts posted by Beanbazzled

  1. 39 minutes ago, soph said:


    - Great App
    - Deserves this position
    - Seaman is very kind and welcoming to our new SF, he also always makes sure to start friendships with them.
    (Also a boss at tryouts 😎)


    Seaman is a super nice dude and is one of the most dedicated members of SF

  2. 2 hours ago, Don Jon said:


    -ROSA is like always on.

    -Good App.

    -Keeps SF fun and interesting.

    -One of the nicest people on the server.

    -Well known in the community.

    -Most passionate SF I've met.

    -Deserves this positions.

    -Goes above and beyond for SF and I know she will continue to do so.

    In all ROSA is kind active and dedicated to SF and would make the perfect Vice Marshall maybe even Marshall one day 👀. I hope I'm around to see you move on to greater things if you get this position you're going to do great things I just know it.


    ~Senior Squad Lead Don Jon

    Good luck Rosa !!!

  3. On 3/12/2021 at 7:59 PM, Nimo said:


    What I've seen from JL8 is that her and DT Command really has put the effort to make DT where it is right now.

    I have seen JL8 on everyday from what I have seen.

    She is very competent and I believe she should be the next Vice Commander of DT


    Good luck!


  4. On 3/6/2021 at 9:51 AM, M A N D O said:


    I have been a part of this community for about 2-3 months now. From day one, Milford impressed me with his confidence, can-do attitude, and professionalism.

    While he and I are constantly interacting in the 501st, I also interact with him as both a GM and as a Moderator. He is extremely passionate about his staff roles, and gives them his best. To give you some idea of just how passionate he is, look how many sits he took in February alone (a short month, at that).


    This man, while also providing a great RP experience for his unit, the 501st, also managed to take nearly 600 SITs last month. Perhaps what is more impressive are the hours he has dedicated to building things in GMod - about 10,000 hours of game time worth. 

    Some of you on staff also know I just received GM of the Month for March 2021. But I would never have made it there or had the interest in GM were it not for Milford, who taught me much of what he knows. It is because of his mentoring that I have come as far I as have in this community.

    So, to recap. 

    He is a MENTOR...


    He is a MASTER BUILDER...

    ...and I cant imagine a person better suited for this job!

    Good luck Milford!


  5. On 2/27/2021 at 10:55 PM, Don Jon said:


    -You have been one of the people in IF that I have talked to the most.

    -You have helped and continue to help IF everyway you can.

    -You have amazing activity.(Not as good as mine, but hey maybe you'll get there 😏)

    -Your app is somewhat short but everything within it is true.

    -IF at this time is lucky to have you and if you don't get this position I know you will someday.

    Good luck man.

    PS. Stop saying quirky all the time weirdo.

    ~Squad Lead Don Jon IF10


    • Gaminglight Love 1
  6. 8 hours ago, Don Jon said:


    -Nicest ST I've met


    -I have watched Herman lead like 10 mingy STs into cooperating with him.

    -Respects other battalions and takes care of STs that are causing problems quickly.

    -Amazing HVYAL.

    I honestly think Herman has worked hard enough for ST and I know he will continue to work hard. I can see Herman become SNR Commander someday and I hope I'm there to see it.

    Good luck man. 

    ~Squad Lead Don Jon


  7. What is your in game name?:


    What is your SteamID:


    What is your rank on the Naval Roster?:

    At the time of this post I am an Ensign

    What specialty are you applying for?:

    Aviation Officer

    What Naval HC (Admiral +) gave you permission to apply?:

    Grand Moff Tarkin

    What can you do to improve the branch you will be responsible for?:

    I will try to keep SF busy with SIMs and trainings which as a new game master, soon I will easily be able host these for them on my own. I will also get the NCOs and Officers to do more tryouts to keep SF as one of the most active battalions on the server. My first priority would be to get my tryout certification so that I could assist with the tryouts. I would like to improve the public image of SF and make them a more respected battalion without taking any of the fun out of it.

    Why should you be trusted with this position?:

    My role as an officer in the 501st has given me a great understanding of what it means to be a leader. Also as a member of ARC I am very good with teamwork as well as communication. As a former member of SF I already have a great understanding of their rules and expectations. Also my activity is great as I am on everyday for 6+ hours a day which makes it so if there are any questions about SF, I will almost always be there to answer them.

    Why do you want this rank?:

    I want to become an Aviation Officer because I really enjoyed my time in SF and would love to be able to work with them again. SF is one of my favorite groups of people on this server and I think it would be really fun to work with them to make the battalion better and more fun for everyone. I would also love to work with the current AOs to make sure that SF is the best it can be. This is also a great opportunity for myself to prove that I am able to lead a battalion.

    Do you understand that if you receive a strike you will be stripped of this rank?:


    What is your purpose within your assigned branch?:

    As an AO my job is to oversee SF and to make sure all operations are running smoothly. I am meant to make sure that NCOs and Officers are doing enough tryouts, as well as do some myself. I should also be hosting SIMs and trainings to keep SF busy as well as to make them ready for whenever an event comes. I should also be making sure that everyone in SF is aware of all of the rules and protocols that they are required to follow.

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  8. 19 hours ago, Buk said:

    HUUUGE + Support

    - INSANELY dedicated to IQ

    - Is ALWAYS active in IQ

    - Always makes sure his enlisted know what they're doing

    - Is always willing to help new people

    - Has worked his way up through the IQ ranks

    - Basically everyone knows him in IQ/Purge

    - The most helpful IQ on the server

    - A very great leader and sets an example for newer IQ

    Good luck, Love ya ❤️


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