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About Tonyy

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  1. Your In-game: Tonyy The admin's steam name(If you know it): IDK What warning did you receive: "Homa Fobic /ltab" Evidence of the warn (REQUIRED): https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2801473146 Why do you think the warn is false: I was AFK and I got back on the server and Masterson said that the T-Mod warned me by mistake so I'm making this just to get it removed.
  2. Sad to see you go/ not be able to catch up since I just got back lol. But good luck with all your future endeavors
  3. Tonyy

    Tonyy-48 hours

    In-Game Name: Tonyy SteamID: STEAM_0:0:146541425 Rank: Support Reason for leaving: I am really busy with football/school leaving GL/Gmod
  4. Saddens me to make this but sadly I'm leaving gaming light due to I have no time anymore to play garrysmod. School/football has caught up to me and I just want to say each and everyone of you have been amazing. @Zerg You have been nothing but nice to me and I want to thank ya @RoninYou're a big reason I Joined DF just want to say thanks for everything you have done and all the great times we had @EcottJust want to say that your department is amazing and that it was great to be apart of
  5. NOOOOO my long time friend I trained you for pd Sad to see you go hopefully will see you around
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