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Posts posted by Travar

  1. In-Game Name: Travar

    Steam Name: Travar

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62467440

    Are you a Staff Member Within Gaminglight?: I am one of the ETL on SCP RP and I am a Senior Moderator on SCP RP.

    How often are you on TeamSpeak?: I am in the TeamSpeak every single day for more than 5+ hours a day. I am always open to others to message and always talking with the players/users in the TS.

    Why would you want to join our Support team (Word Count 150+)?: I would like to join the Support team to assist in helping the community as best as I can. I would like to help resolve issues in the TeamSpeak, as well as provide my support to the fullest extent I can for others that need my help in support. I see many new people join the TeamSpeak and sit there for a long while waiting to be given support. Many of these people get discouraged by the long wait and leave the TeamSpeak. I want to prevent that from happening and get to people as fast as I can. I want to help people the best I can, as well as allow others to get relief from doing continuous support. I personally like helping others and I feel I would fit well as a TeamSpeak Support member. I want to help out the veteran Support members, due to there being a lack of consistent support members throughout the day. I am always free, and can always help anyone in TeamSpeak. I would put anything aside to help out others, since I can always get back to what I am doing after. Being support is something I really wanted to do for a while, and could not do it as regular Event Team. I have been wanting to join for over 4 Months now, and now I am here applying attempting to achieve my goal. I would also like to join to be able to get new members into Gaminglight as effective as I can, with the proper hospitality and kindness.

    How do you think you could affect support staff in a positive way? I am very active on the TeamSpeak, as I said I get on for a decent amount of time every day. I am willing to hop on at any moment into the TS to help as much as I can. I am not afraid of dropping whatever  I am doing to help give support to anyone needing it. I am always willing to meet new people, as well as be friendly with all. I would be very kind and hospitable to new and old players requiring assistance. I try to be friendly with everyone I can, as well as be as helpful I can be to anyone. I would also help give input on new support applications, so that we can get a more effective income of new Support members. I would not abuse my power and not stray away from the proper course. I have experience with TeamSpeak, as well as I have been staff on servers/TeamSpeak before. I would help as many as I can in my power, and direct those I can not help to the proper people in case of that situation.

    How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our support channels? "Hello there! My name is Travar and I am a member apart of the Gaminglight TS Support Team, how may I help you today?"

    Have you read our rules and do you promise to uphold all those rules to the best of your ability? Yes I have.

    • Like 1
  2. Name: Travar
    Rank: SM
    SteamID:  STEAM_0:0:62467440
    Reason for leaving: Long time coming,  since my activity continued to steadily drop. It is my time to leave and focus more on ET.

    I haven't spent that long in Nu7 but my time in Nu7 led to one of the best I had in a while. I managed to hit CPT and become a Commissar in HSU. Then my activity continued to drop and now here we are.  I want to thank all of those that were with me along the way, and to leave some words for specific people since that is basically the normal for these resignations right? Note: I'm not great at these

    Mike- They aren't in Nu7 anymore ik ik but  Mr Former CMDR Mike deserves my thanks. Mike gave me a chance to rise in Nu7 and basically set the stage for me to rise higher. He made  things fun and gave me my first chances in Nu7 to be able to get higher.  Also he is a stinky that I still abuse

    MattO- I knew you were gonna great and I am so glad I was able to help you in any way I did. You also gave me big chances in Nu7 to go higher too, I know you are gonna do amazing in the future. I hope you reach higher than Nu7 CMDR one day, you will always be the top Br ' sh lad.  WILLY CLARKE

    Bread- Thank you for giving me a chance as well, you have been here a long time and I wanted you to know that I appreciate all the work you did for Nu7. You honestly did so much stuff that it would be a bit impossible to list it out, you basically are a champ and you definitely deserve to be High Command. Sorry for being a inactive stink and I hope you do great things chap. 

    Bacon- You trained me for Nu7 and we were the dream team.  You stole me from Omi9 tryouts and got me into Nu7. We led HSU and we had great cooperation. I am sorry that my activity drifted and left you with the work I had, but you are now on track to becoming High Command. You have made it so far and I am proud to call you my comrade. Also I am the one who put statues inside your minecraft house recently, ❤️

    Kindred- You have done great and you are still doing great in Nu7. I am happy you took my place and kept Nu7 moving on. You have done great in Nu7 and I am proud to see how far you made it in Nu7. You have hung in there and made it to MAJ, and I can't wait to see how higher you go. I knew you were gonna do great as a officer since you took over FE, and raised it as your own child. 

    Ash- You made it to stinky CPT, congrats you mongoloid. You better balance ET/Nu7 or I will grenade launcher you

    Elu- You have always done gone in Nu7 and I am proud to see you get to CPT, Keep it up and move up

    Kami- You are the reason I got into Nu7, if it wasn't for you talking to me about it in the first place then I would've ended up in different places right now.  Thank you for being pog and I hope everything works out for ye. 

    Surge- When we first met, we didn't get along but now we swear at each other out of friendship, you are doing great and I am proud to see how far you came. 

    Grank- You are doing great, keep it up. You now have permission to call me your pog champ once and I will accept it ONLY once. (Context: Grank used to DM me  "YOu are my little pog champ" videos like almost every day for a solid 2 weeks.)

    Woods, Raven, Eaten - I'm grouping this one because I'm just gonna say the same things for each of you. The three of you are doing great and I can't wait to see how high you guys go. You have made it far and deserve every promotion you guys get. Hang in there, at this point promos are a waiting game that you have to give extra effort to, to stay on top.

    Kiddo- I am glad to see you back and I hope you are here to stay you cringy holiday collectible maniac.

    Pixel- Sorry I couldn't fulfill your dream of seeing me as High Command, but I want to thank you for helping me when I was in Nu7. You helped me a lot along with Mike, and it brought me to where I am now. Sorry for breaking your dream, but at least I made it to CPT and Commissar before biting the dust.

    Everyone Else in Nu7- Nu7 will treat you well if you treat it well, keep it great in case I do return one day.

    [If you don't see your name, I apologize. Its hard to get everyone on here  and to remember. If you really want me to say something about you I remember or something like that, then DM me?]

    I will miss yall, but you will of course still see me around. Keep Nu7 great and stay active. I will probably return one day but that day won't come for a while.






    • Gaminglight Love 2
  3. Name: Travar

    Rank: MSGT

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:62467440

    Current Sub-Branches your in: Riot Control, Sniper

    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?:  Mind is loyal to CI, Jack S does meth, and Sixx is hiding D Class in his office. Besides that, nothing else.


    (no one saw me accidentally make a new topic for this)

  4. 1. What is your in-game name?:


    2. Steam ID: 


    3. Current Rank in Security:


    4. Time on the server:

      4 Weeks, Playing since July.

    5. Current level:


    6. On a scale from 1 - 10, how active are you?:


    7. Do you have any active strikes on the roster?:

      No I do not.

    8. Which command members gave you permission to apply?:

    DHOS Jack S, MAJ Sprink, CPT Beepis, CPT Spud, CPT ZJ

    9. Have you read the Juggernaut section of the SOP?:

    Yes I have.

    10. Why do you think you deserve access to the  Security Juggernaut Job? (60+ WORDS):

    I believe I deserve access to the Security Juggernaut Job because I have experience dealing with heavy classes. I know the responsibility and rules that come with a job like Juggernaut, as well as I am prepared to use it well. I  intend to use Juggernaut quite a bit to utilize effectiveness inside D Block to keep it secure. I believe my experience and time within security has led me to be trusted, as well as be worthy of access to Juggernaut. I understand the rules very well and I understand what the juggernaut can, and can not do. I believe I deserve access because juggernaut has powerful weapons which needs people who are responsible, as well as seasoned to utilize Juggernaut for effective use. We need more juggernauts in Security and I believe I would make a great addition to that list. We need more juggernauts to ensure D block is secure and that D Block stops being overrun constantly from D Class CCs. I have put enough time into Gensec and led the enlisted enough to know that juggernauts are needed. We have enough Riot Control, but we do need more qualified juggernauts.

    11. Which weapon in the Juggernaut load-out would you use to hit a d-class in the middle of a crowd and how would you ensure to hit your mark?:

    I would pull out the M60 and attempt to semi fire at the D Class. Using the Nova or the CZ-75 would just increase the risk of hitting  the other D Class in the crowd. With the M60, I can at least increase the chance of being able to have an accurate hit on the D Class while having the added fire power of the M60. I would be patient and wait for the D Class to move to an area that exposes them more. If they continue to stay in the crowd, then I would shoot a  singular shot at the feet of the crowd to attempt to open a hole  to snipe the target with the M60. I would not lose eyes on the target and continue to follow them with the M60, then open fire when there is minimum risk. If they are in the crowd inside the right line to be tested on, then I would angle myself to hit them easily or simply go up to them.

  5. +Support
    -Active and Known
    -Is a Moderator

    -Active on Forums

    -Mature and well behaved.

    -Event Idea sounds good and do-able. 

    -No Warns

    -The "Why should we allow you to be a ET member" portion had over 250 words and stays on topic.

    -Applied as soon as their App CD was over, Shows dedication, prowess, and determination to join Event Team.

    -Only reason he was denied on his first app was because not many people knew him, now he is more known and has made a mark.

  6. On 12/8/2020 at 9:52 AM, Dr. Succ said:

    + Support

    Good experience on the server


    I wish you the best of luck.

    If you can, go into your app and edit the grammar mistakes. You will probably bring out more positive reviews that way. Your event idea sounds logical, doable, and good to carry out. With help and coordination it can be a good event. You would make a good SCP ET within time in ET.

  7. 9 hours ago, Lil Walter OBE said:


    -Very active

    -Genuinely nice guy

    -Deserves the role

    I'll let you know, doing a Nazi Zombie event isn't easy but I worked out the kinks. I would love to see you try one with my help one day. Your event idea is original, as well as creative, since not many people thought of it and it goes under many peoples radar. Good luck applying

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