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Posts posted by Travar

  1. On 11/15/2020 at 11:44 PM, OWNED said:

    +/- Support

    + you show promise and dedication

    + reasoning is good, but a bit generic

    - you seem like a fresh one, I think you could use more time to get used to the server

    - the event sounds alright, but I would like to see a little more detail

    - also you say you thought of event"s", but only put one idea

    I wish you luck with your application

    You have great promise and I believe you need to show your face  on the server a lot more to gather more of a presence on the server. The purpose of gathering presence and making your name seen would bring you more support. I have been told you are nice and a great person, I like your event and I believe it has great potential with the right help. I would recommend playing a bit more, see how the server feels and works, and you are always free to ask questions to me. I wish you luck for the future and know that you will do way better with a application with some more time around the server.

  2. 12 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    Show clear prop spam

    Crashed a Event Twice, Resulting in it being done a hour late. Clear prop spam, Continues to do it after being warned. Is still doing it as we speak.

  3. Name: Travar

    Rank: Senior ET

    Time of LOA(MM/DD/YYYY): 11/01/2020 to possibly 11/10/2020

    Reason(Put Private if you do not wish to say): Need some time for myself, Burnt Out, Going on a trip out of Country, Stressed Out, Things Going on in life. Will Extend LOA If Needed.

  4. On 10/15/2020 at 4:30 PM, [GL] loudyfam (Jack S) said:


    So far OWNED has been a really good person to me and others.

    Responsible and respectful to all.

    Has been ET and is trustworthy.


    On 10/15/2020 at 10:30 PM, Sixx said:

    + Support

    +Is a great guy

    + Previous ET member

    +Nice Guy

    +Good App



    3 hours ago, Starstep said:

    Very enthusiastic about joining the Event Team.
    Former ET member on top of that.

    They recently just came back, I feel by the time this app gets accepted they will re-gain experience and mix it with prior experience to become ET once again. They are mature, responsible, and respectful. I believe some more time of OWNED playing on the server again will have them accepted.

  5. On 10/12/2020 at 9:55 AM, Dragin said:


    Get this man his ET 

    - Part of staff team

    - nice

    - Medic gang 


    I have seen this dude doing amazing as staff and I noticed him peeping in on some of my events in interest. As he watched, I could tell he was intrigued in ET. He is dedicated, creative, and has the right idea. His event idea is pretty big and would require a bit of coordination, and tweaks to coordinate with server lore. However, his event displays creativity and the ability to make creative events for ET. They are active, non-mingey, and have what it takes. I believe during their trainee period as ET, they will learn a lot that will form them into a good ET member. Most people that come in with no ET/GM experience get formed into a good ET during their trainee period. I believe they will be perfect. 

  6. On 10/11/2020 at 9:21 PM, Øwnęd-RIP RickMay said:

    +/- support

    I see this as just barely hitting the limit as what is needed for a good ET app

    + your reasoning is sound on wanting to be an ET and shows promise

    + Your activity is good and shows dedication to the server

    +/- just saying you have "4 warns" isnt enough, it would be better to show them or explain what they were for

    - go more in depth with the events, instead of saying "you have a lot of idea", tell us those ideas, more detail is better

    I wish you the best of luck with your application.

    You are active, you have a drive to join ET, But just as what Owned said its barely hitting the requirements for the sections. You need to be more detailed and descriptive. Especially with 4 warns you need to explain what those are for. I can't check right now so I can't know what you possibly did. With events, explaining events and your ideas is a big part of ET. Being a lone wolf will be impossible being you need a supervisor the first duration as ET, and some events you do require help. You are active and I see you quite often, had some interesting interactions with you that were good and bad. However, there is promise and I believe if this gets denied, then you should re-apply with the new information provided to you.

  7. +Support

    I am going to +support this because you appear to have common sense and know what to do in situations. I like how you are willing to learn and that you are willing to make an application to join, and willing to learn more. I think they will make a great member of Nu7 and are showing initiative by applying in the first place. As well as not having warns gives me hope you will serve well. 

    I can inform you more about Nu7 and want further assistance before possibly joining Nu7, Please feel free to DM me on discord.

    Discord :

    Tony (Travar)#4933 

  8. + Support.

    + I believe they can be a great ET member.
    + Nice idea for Event.
    +Can RP and be creative.
    +Followed Format.

    -App is a bit bland, but they included everything needed.

    In total, I believe they should get a shot at ET and provide RP to the server.

  9. On 9/16/2020 at 8:15 PM, Pie said:


    Active, great at combat, and a very nice person.


    On 9/17/2020 at 1:28 AM, MattOminigo3 said:


    Can confirm the activity. Its extreme.

    PVP god.

    Has the knowledge to keep O5 safe.

    Very mature.

    Deserves it highly.


    • Like 1
  10. 6 hours ago, Sixx said:


    He was engaged, he didn't break FearRP. 


    5 hours ago, Jack (utility one) said:

    In the video he instantly turns the corner and shoots, actively engaging in combat. Not to mention there is no view of 2 or more guns ACTIVELY being pointed at him, last view was the other 2 sarkics behind the one recording, only 1 gun was actively being pointed at him while the other 2 sarkics either had a riot shield or or was pointing a gun at their fellow sarkic.


    12 minutes ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    Already engaged in combat
    Even if he wasn't engaged in combat, when you yelled FearRP, you had 2 heavy guns and 1 SMG and a riot shield, therefore you wouldn't have been able to FearRP him anyway as you needed 3 heavy guns and heavy guns constitute ARs, Shotguns, Snipers and LMGs.

    After edit: I just realised 2 guns you had on him were SMGs so 

    So many reasons why to -Support.

  11. On 9/12/2020 at 12:15 AM, Forehead man [GL] said:

    +support might not do much but it would clear up some misunderstandings some people might have about their clearance


    On 9/11/2020 at 7:28 PM, [GL] Mike said:

    I mean they have Level 5 info access so they should have it


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