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Kaiju Seekers
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Posts posted by Travar

  1. 1 hour ago, Mary said:

    MASSIVE -Support
    First off, you are a VERY toxic person as which is why you got removed and blacklisted from Nu7 and E-11. I have seen first hand how toxic you are and so have MANY other command members. You were very rude to an E-11 command member today while they were just trying to talk to you and I have seen you minge HEAVILY on other classes. I have heard you also have lied to command members are some things that have happened and I believe there is more to your story about how you got blacklisted. MTF are allowed to femur their enlisted if the first D-Class failed or if they can't get a D-Class (I don't know if that also is the same for CI). You show no intent to actually follow the rules or be friendly towards other people. You have been given many second chances and I believe you should take this as a sign to just step back and reflect on your actions before you get blacklisted from Gaminglight for being overly toxic. 

    I wish you luck on your appeal.


  2. On 2/28/2021 at 9:06 PM, Starstep said:

    This is a rather interesting concept, and I could certainly see it making an impact.
    Would definitely help the lower ranking/newer researchers.

    This would be poggers and increase RP.

    Ways this can work is that ET spawn in the papers when research request it, It can be a spawnable entity by Research command through the f4 menu, Research would call staff to remove it or toolgun it themselves (As quite a few Research command are staff or ET). 

    The best way this can work is like how spawnable scps work, Call ET to spawn it, Call ET* or Staff to remove it.

    If this can work then it could be cool to have. If not then possibly have someone make a pdf link of these for the d class.


  3. 9 hours ago, eeyore0137 said:

    +/- support

    I think longshots and E4 should be able to come back and no like short range because MTF could come straight to the tower and kill the longshots/any sniper then that it for them.



    9 hours ago, enuz 💣 said:

    +/- support
    I think we can find a middle ground and disallow ALL CI from coming back other than Longshots and Infiltrators. Given the new Watch Tower on the surface I think that it provides a good obstacle for the surface because otherwise, I see MTF holding it before us. I think the middle ground will cause the least amount of issues from both sides. 

    Finding a middle ground between both sides would be ideal, this sounds like it could work for both sides 

  4. On 3/10/2021 at 12:09 AM, 𝓜8𝓥𝓟 said:

    Why not? Would give another SCP for R&D and Research to test on/research, not only that but would actually give a bit more RP towards these two branches.

    This would be a good addition if we need more new scps after Igneous' new scp additions

  5. On 3/8/2021 at 9:26 PM, [GL] Dtscalice said:


    -App is very short

    +you are active


    Not your job while on OR, Dont go looking for power in the O5 staff Project please *Not just to you but any who see this app and wish to apply for O5 staff*

    -app just seems very basic in my opinion



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