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Scythes of Paradise
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Posts posted by Piemp

  1. 32 minutes ago, Alex Raddish said:


    This is cut and dry FailRP. Anyone outside the building cannot relay information and or assist in the robbery whatsoever. Considering several people involved in that bank robbery were staff, and allowed them to do this, it is highly disappointing. 

    1000% Agree

  2. Guys when you quote someone plz add on to it. I know other people have told you but I still see it happen all the time. it just seems like you are trying to get forums posts up. Its important to share what you think not just what someone else does if you truly agree with someone you quoted in an application say you agree under it. 

  3. alright MAJOR -support

    When you were staff you had no clue what you were doing at all always asking people how to handle your own sits

    You did not have GL in you steam name after like a month of being staff.

    You tried to participate in an event well on administration and had to be told to leave by jmt.



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