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Scythes of Paradise
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Posts posted by Piemp

  1. alr alr hear me out


    When I first joined the server zerg has always been there to guide me, With his kindness and maturity he has always been a leader in staff.

    Yes he does smell, Yes He gets bullied for being zerg but over all of that zerg is a true penguin.

    On the note of him being a leader his maturity in Secret Service is insane, He always goes above the standers to make sure everything is going great. As I am typing this out he is hosting a massive Secret Service meeting!

    Now I will talk about him in Event team, If you are in event team you have noticed zergs skill and dedication. He has been in a event team for a while now and he just achieved the rank of Co Leader which he def deserved.  His creativity has benefited event team a lot and he is one of Event Teams best members. 

    Good luck Zerg

    you still smell

    • Thanks 1
  2. What you want to see? -  The ability to keep your level on your trash collector if you get off and on

    Why should we add it? -  I think it should be added cause I spent like around 3 hours grinding city worker to level it up then had to get off and my level reset back to 1

    What are the advantages of having this? -  People will be able to enjoy the job and grind it to get a higher level trash collector not have it reset every time you relog

    Who is it mainly for? - the city worker job

    Links to any content -  N/A

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