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Posts posted by Leww

  1. 7 hours ago, Kaizer said:

    +/- Support

    Could take a bit of effort to implement but sounds cool.

    Currently when switching to the swep it tells you what to do as well so if this is to be accepted it might take priority over more important updates and improvements for no reason.

    If this is accepted it should be pushed to the back of the to-do list.


  2. 8 hours ago, Tazza said:


    the ban was from 2021 that thing practically ancient, hes probably changed over the like 2 years of being banned.


  3. 8 hours ago, RTMM said:


    -Minges sometimes


    -Only one post and that is your application

    -Your application has only 84 words, the minimum is 150+!!!

    -Clearly a rushed application 

    -Also for some reason you deleted the MRDM question off the application


  4. On 3/30/2023 at 2:20 PM, Zarl said:


    Former Nu7 Command with no seen punishments from Nu7, additional experience in other branches

    Very good and consistent activity

    Very strong app with few grammatical errors.


  5. On 4/2/2023 at 9:33 PM, Mangoo said:

    +/- Support
    - Very Active
    - Good experience and reputation
    - However, underwhelming application as well as a lack of more in depth command prowess (I.E. understanding of how command functions)
    - I believe MAJ is a bit too high of a jump, but i wouldn't be opposed to a jump to CPT with training from CMD


  6. 3 hours ago, Yamato said:

    This.  This right here.  This is perfect.  This is great.  This is amazing.  

    This man wants to help the branch and its members which makes him an amazing candidate, Immense former command experience and is on the server weekly.
    By all means this man should get the rank he requests.   

    Be careful, Pixel might say something mean


  7. 18 hours ago, Icarus said:



        Coming from someone who was extremely influential in reworking A1 and running the branch alongside Krug during one of the better eras for A1, I support Mike. He knows how A1 ran when it was a branch, and I fully believe he knows how to bring it back to its former glory. After working alongside mike on here, I believe he has what it takes to have this branch gain the respect it once had. What this branch needs is someone who can take the information about how the branch used to run, and adapt, and change that to work with the current server. Knowing Mike I believe he is adaptable enough to do just that. I can speak for multiple retired A1 HCMD and Site Administration members from my era in saying out of the current candidates mike is the best fit.


  8. On 3/7/2023 at 8:39 PM, Some Weeb said:



    I have known buck for a decent while now and I can say with full confidence he has the ability to lead/mentor/guide A1 to a good future. 


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