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Posts posted by Leww

  1. 6 hours ago, IgnisNuts said:


    Just grab the SteamID right below the View Only tab on the roster. It's pretty easy to do that, we've been doing to for ages, or if you are really that lazy just screenshot the SteamIDs on roster.


  2. 19 hours ago, Baja said:


    I'm not an expert with the staff rules but I believe you can't hold someone hostage on the server when they have to get off and they aren't in a sit. From what I'm aware of there was not a formal sit made and Mork who was involved in the incident warned and banned them himself which you shouldn't do because of bias.


  3. +Support
    - Has a good app 

    - Good responses on his questions 

    -Seems like he knows what he is doing 

    - has past experience as a staff memeber

    only thing that changes this is how long he has been in the GL community. But other than that I wish you good luck on your staff app! 

    • Like 1
  4. 4 hours ago, Milady said:


    "Got the experience; takes accountability for own mistakes/goof-ups; massively improved his approach since the interview and has shown his commitment to help out on the server with his ranking within ISB as Vice Commander aswell as within RP consistently. May take some time to help him re-adjust and help improve his more creative-side for his events/sims, but, he will have a team with him to work things out."

    ".....Though, you forgot to add a voting poll for the application. -20 POINTS FROM SPACE-GRIFFINDOR!"


  5. On 4/16/2023 at 3:16 PM, Nydekore said:

    Opening this post is like dumping out a Skittles packet into a bowl of sherbet ice cream.

    Otherwise, 1048 probably could use a small buff, though a custom made swep would probably be better compared to the one suggested. +Support if SMT think they can make that happen



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