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Posts posted by Leww

  1. Name: Lew
    Steam ID:  STEAM_0:0:104939087
    Rank in Event Team: ET
    Date of Joining Event Team:  6/14/23
    Date since last promotion:  6/24/23
    Why should you be remaining as an Event Team Member? (ALL ET RANK | 100+ words) I want to stay in ET because I think I can really grow as an ET member and really prove myself to everyone in ET. I have been in ET for about 2 months now and not a single moment I didn't have fun. ET is such a fun experience for me, and I want to keep on going and strive farther in ET.  I care for GL and hope to go father and father and being in ET has giving me that dream of going father in GL. I should still be an ET member because I believe that I can do so much more amazing things for ET and really think I can strive more. 
    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?  No

  2. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? Lew

    2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:0:483338602)?  STEAM_0:0:104939087

    3. What is your Rank? Advance Medic

    4. What timezone are you in (e.g. Eastern Standard Time)? PST

    5. Total strikes you’ve ever received? 0 

    6. How many warnings do you have on GL? 8 

    7. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you? 10 

    8. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)? I believe I would be good for medical command because I have a lot of knowledge about Medical and I think I would be a really good fit for the next command team. I think with my HCMD experience I can greatly help Medical with the knowledge that I have and get jobs done. When it comes to Medical, I am very active and get on every day to promote medical activity as much as I can while being on for E11. When it comes to double tasking that's something I strive for because I can get both tasks done very quickly and I can be more productive in both branches.

    [The following questions are intended to test your response and ability as command. You must answer 2 of the questions, though you may answer all 3 if you wish.]

    9-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them? The first thing i would do is make sure they are the correct rank to be trained for FW and then if they are I would give them the SOP and read the SOP to them to make sure they understand it fully. Next Once we are done with the SOP I would give them the whitelist and make sure they know how to use the defibs.  After that they can be on there way. 

    9-3. You see an Experienced Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do? First, I would get the medic and make sure I know what fully happened before making any assumptions then after that I would make sure they knew the rules on not killing dclass for no reason and then let them go. If they did it again, I would make sure to get video proof and then strike them. I would make sure to explain why they got striked and then after that I would fill out a punishment form.

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