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Posts posted by Leww

  1. 5 hours ago, Cecil Stedmen said:

    -support for a tablet/PDA as I feel that'd be too easy, with the counter being a level 100 job that not many people like playing due to the lack of cameras on this map.

    What would be fire AF tho is if there was a big screen in the surveillance room that'd track these things so MTF still have a way to monitor self breaches besides the adverts above without it being too easy to track them. Would give some purpose to a room that is almost never used and there'd be a reason to actually have someone stationed there for it's intended purpose. Maybe allow 079 to hack the surveillance room instead too to shut down the screen?


  2. In-Game Name: Lew 

    Steam Name: [GL] Thomas

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:104939087

    What is your staff rank and the server you work in? Senior Mod, SCP RP

    How often are you online on the forums? I am on every day. 

    Why do you believe you're qualified to serve as a Forum Diplomat?  I believe I am qualified to be a forums diplomat because I want to strive farther and because a better staff member. I have been a staff member for SCP-RP for a good while now and I want to expand my horizons and become a better staff member overall so my skill can better help SCP-RP. I am both active on SCP-RP and active on the forms checking for updates and or checking reports just to help out. Seeing as these applications are out I felt like it was a perfect time for me to help out my community more. Thought my experiences in staffing I have understood the punishments and rules of the server and on the forums. 

    Would you consider yourself to have good judgement? If so, please describe a situation that required you to make a difficult decision? I do believe I do have good judgement. In my time of being staff I have done a lot of sits each of them being different and difficult.  In each of those sits I always don't let bias get into my sits. 

    How would you deal with a situation where a user is spamming in various topics due to getting banned from one of our servers? First, I would hide the post and make sure I have evidence to back it up.  Second depending on what they said i would decide what punishment to give them. Third I would message the person that was spamming the post and message them that spamming is against the rules of our forums. Third I would direct them to the appeal section of the forums where they could appeal their ban. If they keep on doing it, I would contact my senior. 

    How would you deal with a situation where two users are aggressively arguing with each other in a warning appeal? First, I would give a verbal warning to both of them. If it keeps getting heated, I will give them the "Forums Diplomat Message."  So, it could inform them that in the post that any further arguing/rule infractions will be punished.  If they kept on doing it, I would give them a warning/restriction and lock it until SMT reviews it. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Its Buck said:



    She does a lot of great work for D4 and E11. She is also super chill and fun to work with, has loads of experience as E11 LTCOL being SCMD (CPT+) for over a year almost. I have full confidence in Sogi being A1 command 


  4. 1.Name:


    2. Current and former RP ranks:

    Current: E11 VCMDR, D4 Overseer

    Former: CI RnD Command

    3. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:104939087

    4. DiscordID: Lew#002

    5. Why do you want to be an Officer?:

    I want to be an officer in A1 because I know I have what it takes to be an outstanding leader within A1. I have experience and a lot of motivation to learn. Within my time in E11 I have learned a lot when it comes to leading people. I have gone through my ups and downs, but we always need those crucial moments in leading because it means that you are becoming a greater leader.  I want to be an A1 officer because I think it will open up a lot of opportunities for me and strive to become a better leader within my leadership career. 

    6. What makes you competent enough to be an Officer?:

    I believe what makes me competent enough is I am very disciplined within the staff team and within the E11 branch. I have years of experience of leading and have a good understanding of A1 in a whole. I would be a good addition to the A1 team because I am a very hardworking person always wanting to help out and making sure things are running smoothly. I am also a very approachable person which would be a perfect addition to the officer team. I think I can bring a lot of my skills to the table.  

    7. How will you maintain strong relationships and communication with other branches?:


    I would maintain a strong relationship and communication with other branches by communication. For me communication is key to having a successful branch, because it makes sure everyone is on board with new and upcoming ideas, but it also makes sure everything is running smoothly within every branch. I will maintain this relationship by asking if anyone needs help and if anyone wants my input on new/upcoming ideas. I like to make sure everyone is ok and if there is any issue I would need to solve. I am always talking to someone with an open mind to make sure they feel comfortable because keeping that communication is key for a successful branch.


    Thank you for reading this Application!

  5. In Game Name: Lew 

    Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) STEAM_0:0:104939087

    Discord ID (Ex. Pinbal#5433): Lew#0002

    Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian

    Current RP Ranks Held: E11 MAJ

     Has anyone recommended you to apply for the RRH program? (If not, it's fine): No

    How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof): 820221013175613_1.thumb.jpg.45d0f70f3a4296eb5cbe88502ea632cd.jpg

    Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team:  I want to join RRH because I think it will be a fun new experience for me as a E11 Senior Officer. In my time on the server, I have climbed the ranks and have been doing super good as a E11 MAJ. I know I can go farther and do better if I join the RRH team. I think I have what it takes to join the branch and I know I can help it out a lot. Even though I have a lot of warns I have changed as a person, and I am not childish anymore those warns were 2+ years ago and I have changed. I think I have taken my second chance to heart because I am now senior command in E11. 

    Why should we accept you: You should accept me into RRH because I know I have what it takes to join the branch. I have a lot of leadership experience and I know what to do in stressful situations. I take my role seriously and follow every rule. For me RRH has been a dream of mine to join, and I have been working really hard to achieve that dream. If i got selected to join RRH I would learn through my experience and make a better command member as well as a better RRH Guardian. As a RRH Guardian I will ensure that every 05 is safe and will not die under my protection. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, Cuke said:


    This person has alot of dedication to the server and should be in the best of the best. They have 1 Week of playtime and have over one year of experience in this community. I personally believe he can make RRH a better and more active department in this server with just him in it! He is a great person to be around and makes everyone laugh. 

    Good luck applying I wish you the best!



  7. 31 minutes ago, Some Weeb said:

    I honestly think no demotion is necessary.

    A warn at most.


    Panda has time and time again proven to love this server and to try to help build this community. He is a pretty good person and I dont think this was a decision he made completely aware of himself. I dont think such harsh punishments like removals or 2 rank demos should be handed out because 1 lapse in judgment for idk how long should not have to result in someone losing around 4 months of progress in their battalion that is pure  folly. 


    +Support for a warn though no worse.


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