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Posts posted by OWNED

  1. HUGE -Support

    dont take this personally m8, but you are unfit for staff.

    - literally has over 20+ warns in SCP RP alone, showing he has no care for the rules

    - blacklisted from multiple jobs for breaking very severe rules

    - back when I was mod, he lied multiple times to get out of the actions he was doing claiming that high ranking staff "said it was ok" for him to do some of these things

    - if you arent suited for RP, then I dont see the point of becoming staff as their main purpose is to keep the integrity of the RP intact

    im sorry m8, but I just dont see you being fit for staff at all until some major changes are made to your behavior and attitude

    none the less, I wish you luck with your application

  2. see m8, the thing is self control

    if someone is team killing you, just going and killing them leaves you in just as much trouble as the one doing it

    you should always call staff in these kinds of situations and let them handle it.

    as for the ban, this isnt something to put here and should be directed to security high command, but overall I think you should just wait it out

    -Support from me

    • Like 1
  3. I dont see anything pertaining to infil exactly, but based on warnings it seems you were tranqing people, which is a big nono

    ill remain neutral on this one as well until further opinions are given

    +/- Support until further notice

  4. based on past warning I checked, you were blacklisted from 343 due to abusing his ability to noclip and going into staff rooms

    idk exactly how to feel about this so ill stay neutral for now

    +/- Support until further opinions are given

  5. 9 minutes ago, Dang said:

    - support


    - The only difference between the internal operative and the Nu7 operative is that the Armor is 25 less and a different assault rifle, completely unreasonable on a Nu7 standpoint because its basically allowing an extra 6 Nu7 operatives into the facility doing exactly Nu7s job you might as well not join Nu7 in the first place if this job is added. I suggest the internal operative Class drops to 2 slots and is restricted from buying weapons from armory.

    - The marksman class also has the best 2 snipers on the server not considering E11 has an AWP on pathfinder and Nu7 already has a sniper class, Basically now CI would be 3-1 out numbered on surface with sniper classes. Not to mention the marksman Armor and health is 75 more than the CI Longshot class. The marksman in my opinion either needs to be removed or heavily nerfed because its just not balanced. 

    I hope you understand my points of concern and hopefully something positively can be changed. 


    What he said

    everything else seems fine


  6. 44 minutes ago, Starstep said:

    Former Senior Moderator, E-11 Captain, and current SCMD in Research.
    Answers are decent, and he has experience. Also has a clean reputation and is trustworthy; fit for staff.
    Activity is decent, as he tends to get on later on during the day after his daily routine, but it could be improved.


  7. Major +Support

    I really like the idea of this SCP.

    It really adds more RP and use for interrogations (which dont happen too often)

    The only problem I have with the SCP is I think it would probably have to be a donator class/high level class as

    back when we had the casinos and you could win disguises, a lot of people abused it and changed their names to like "high ranking official" names

    (even with the limit to low ranking models, this easily can confuse newer players).

    other than that concern, I dont see too much of a problem with it besides potential abuse.

  8. -Support

    The hit reg on these weapons is abysmal and every server that runs this addon

    lags like crazy, the updated map already has this issue and It doesnt need to get worse than it already is

  9. +support

    Flashlights are crap most of the time, but they are basically our only option to see in the dark

    I think this would be a nice change, and make it a lot better especially in those situations where the lights are off for like 10-20 minute intervals

    • Like 1
  10. On 4/15/2021 at 11:15 PM, Rektify said:

    +/- Support, somewhat leaning -Support but, for this, it's liable to change. 

    A few things bother me on this concept. First, the idea of another infinite hp, safe-class SCP... we have plenty of that already. If we're talking on the idea of giving CI more SCPs to work with, at the end of the day, this comes down to who has more intel on the other. CI have 2 classes that allows information gathering under a disguise: slueth and maynard. I've watched over CI and MTF comms to see what exactly happens in terms of powerplay and which side is favored in every fight depending on the information they have. To have another being that helps out CI, who I see continuously bop the foundation during active hours, just seems a bit unfair. I do not believe this will help the server, rather, it just benefits one branch that, in MY opinion, have enough power(and before someone talks about research, note my "another infinite hp, safe-class SCP" comment). 

    Same here

    an infinite HP, unkillable Maynard basically?

    there would have to be HEAVY rules set in place as this is quite strong

    the concept is really cool, but I feel it just wouldnt fit the server from a gameplay standpoint

  11. 9 hours ago, The Apple said:

    Massive -Support

    • To gather any real info they’d need to be in CI spawn or teamspeak

    • Kinda unnecessary and just makes it more annoying for CI

    • I mean pathfinders can kinda already be used for this in a sense with their cloaking 

    • Takes the unique aspect from Slueth job


  12. On 4/9/2021 at 9:19 PM, SupremeChow said:


    Other than that everything else looks good, just bring up forums activity.


    5 hours ago, Rektify said:

    Overall, -Support.


    This is nothing against you as a person or anything but I really don't know who you are. The application is alright and meet standard guidelines but there's also low forum post (not a necessity but we expect our staff to be active on this). As the others have said, you seem pretty chill from how I read this but I don't think it's a good time. Get to know the other players in the community first and come back in a few weeks! You'll be good by then. 


  13. 11 hours ago, Mary said:

    -Massive support 

    Literally just FearRP them, some D-Class just don’t wanna be tested on and you can’t really blame them for it. If they break FearRP rules, then make a sit 🤷‍♀️


  14. +Support for Gensec

    -Support for everyone else

    Radios in the past were basically pointless as every branch basically gets access/ is required to be in the TS when flagged on

    this can help with what Sixx stated above for gensec, but for every other branch it feels kinda pointless

  15. 20 hours ago, Kenneth Slick said:

    - Support 

    Sited from Wanted, he tranqed humans, ERPed, and was Toxic. Is on MTF DNT for a month. I don’t know a way to upload the photo but if you look in MTF DNT it’s there 

    Also, the event is a bit of a Yikes. 


    20 hours ago, Noah Lee said:

    -the event sounds like a bloody marry esk thing, its not really the best event per say
    -also with your computer being so unsecure, and the power that it gives you on the server, and with your history i cant in good confidence support it.

    This basically explains how I feel


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