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Posts posted by OWNED

  1. On 6/12/2021 at 9:12 AM, Chief_ said:


    After reviewing your warns/bans/etc I don't see a reason for you to have gotten blacklisted from 049. You only have one warning for "Failrp | Prop abuse | scp-409"

    But thats just 1 warning which isn't too bad. You haven't gotten a warn in 3 months on any of our servers. I think you should get unblacklisted. 


  2. This is a weird one, but im gonna +Support everything, except for the JRs being allowed out during any code; thats still a +/-Support from me

    It does totally suck as a researcher to be stuck in bunks when codes that, more often than not, happen quite often. only issue I could see with this is the potential of blooming toxicity between branches as during these kinds of codes, most combatant branches arent available to escort, leaving research with not much to do as most tests do require an escort.

    as for JRs being allowed out during any code, Im on the fence but leaning more towards a -Support 

    The purpose of JR, and imo AR, is for 2 main reasons: to let people test out the branch and see who is actually there to try or just to minge.

    giving JRs and ARs the ability to just go out whenever they want isnt exactly the best thing to do and I feel could lead to a lot of issues

  3. 10 hours ago, Mary said:

    Imma be real with you on this, you acted very immature when I was still in E-11 and just active on the server. You didn't follow orders nor did you really care about being nice to anyone that tried to talk to you. You were also very toxic and just tried to do anything and everything that could annoy someone. Maybe if you come back to the server and just chat around or just try to be active again, people can really see how much you claimed you have changed.

    However, I do believe in seconds chances (though this would be your second or third chance at this point) and maybe you can finally be apart of the community and MTF once again. I would highly suggest coming back even if this gets denied so maybe that you can try one last time and so that people can see you become a better person to be around.

    Overall +Support for now.

    He would have to be on a VERY tight watchlist

    but, on the off chance that he might be serious everyone deserves second chances

  4. +/-Support

    - Enthusiasm is good

    - seems pretty knowledgeable on lore and stuff

    - The reasoning is basic, but fine

    - you say that you have a "ideas on the fly" but only gave an example of one event (lets hear more about these ideas)

    - the event idea in of itself is fine, but a little bland imo

    I wish you luck with your application

  5. "Oh man, I didnt know I couldnt say the N-word on a server I joined

     that the first thing that pops up in my face is the rules with one of them being no racial slurs."


  6. yeah, I mean I get that its underpowered at time but this is an SCP that has to be played in multiples to even pose a threat.

    having like 3-4 people on this job with that much health and armor would just be a headache to deal with more than "fun".

    besides, in lore these things are tiny crabs that cut you up

    I doubt a crab would be that tough

    -Support, but +Support for a more balanced change (cause they do lowkey suck).

  7. 6 hours ago, Yeppes said:


    The story speaks for itself and 682 shouldn't have gone there in the first place, especially when chased by MTF.

    would potentially like to hear the admin in question's side of the story

    that being said, you clearly didnt do anything wrong and even negotiated when you dont have to


  8. yeah, disconnection by user means you literally clicked quit or ALT+F4ed out of the game.

    knowing this, it kinda shows you left wit intention and makes it hard to believe any of what you are saying to be true.

    sorry. but its a -Support from me.

    that said, its only 3 days and if you are truly sorry then come back and just be careful next time. A three day ban is just a slap on the wrist

  9. 2 hours ago, NeoID said:

    I’m going to +Support this one for Hex in particular.


    Ive personally seen Hex cause previous issues/arguments in OOC in the past, several of which were in regard to thermals. Evidence does point towards meta-game as well, even if it’s not perfect.


    Not sure you should try and nail this all in one report. I’d make 1 post per player

    clearly metagaming as seen

  10. technically this needs to be brought to GENSEC high command, and not ban appeals

    (but it will probably be redirected soon).

    as for the blacklist, ill trust what bacon says about you. honestly the entire thing just seems like a stupid mistake 


  11. On 4/25/2021 at 10:01 PM, Rookieblue said:

    Would changing Bright to be similar to how Maynard currently works be beneficial? Maynard is a whitelist that requires that you be in CI, and chosen for it by CI command. This could solve many of the issues.

    Im with rookie on this one

    I feel what makes bright so annoying is his easy of accessibility. anyone with 40 bucks to waste can just jump on him whenever and minge around.

    Changing Bright to that the person has to be a part of the research branch AND be picked by high command would fix a lot of the minges getting onto the class and leave it to a handful of people who can be trusted not to just be a nuisance.

  12. +/- Support

    While I completely agree with the fact that every person that gets on bright just uses it as a "freebie" to minge around,

    claiming they are a "mad scientist so its ok".

    HOWEVER, I dont believe removing the class is the way to go about it

    I think there should be much heavier restrictions and rules set on bright to reduce this kind of stuff from happening

    maybe like whenever bright looks like hes doing something suspicious, MTF/ high ranking Gensec can do something to stop it from happening like a roll off or something along those lines.

    while I dont completely agree with the idea of removing it, I wouldnt mind if it was cause Its honestly not even funny when someone elses RP gets ruined just cause some guy wants to screw around on bright.

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