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Posts posted by David

  1. 1 hour ago, [GL] Locus said:


    The reporter appears to of just wanted him talked to and not warn. 
    Seems like the staff who was taken the sit seems to of purposely not told pittman that the reported player wanted another staff member to take over the sit. 

    I told pittman what happened and he agreed. Also staff has final say according to the handbook.


    Edit: and showed Pittman the recording. I asked for him to come too because Damien wanted another admin.

  2. 3 minutes ago, Lime King said:

    -The video clearly shows he was RDMed lmao. As far as I know NLR doesn't apply when you are RDMed.
    -Logs clearly aren't the end all and be all of this situation since the video shows what happened 

    The video doesn't show a full minute completing after he was RDMed or when he instigated combat after being RDMed.

  3. I checked the render and he killed another player with a class 3 weapon on the prosecutor or defender job in the court room. It was my mistake that I warned him while he was AFK.

    Edit: he switched to AFK citizen right when he knew I was taking his sit.


  4. We did not have an argument this morning. Pittman said you can talk to him if you believe your warning is right, but we both agreed that you broke FearRP. He broke FearRP when the guy /advert mug and he decided to run away. He saw his gun because that is the reason he ran away and heard him say something along the lines of "you are being mugged."

    1 hour ago, RealDavid said:

    We did not have an argument this morning. Pittman said you can talk to him if you believe your warning isn't right, but we both agreed that you broke FearRP. He broke FearRP when the guy /advert mug and he decided to run away. He saw his gun because that is the reason he ran away and heard him say something along the lines of "you are being mugged."


  5. Your In-game:


    The player's name in-game:

    xXFlash GordonXx

    The player's steam ID (required): 


    What did the player do:

    Reached warning threshold

    Evidence (REQUIRED):


    What do you believe should happen to the player:

    20 day ban? It says warning threshold but he has 15 warns

    Any extra information:

  6. What you want to see? - 

    I want this rule to be updated:

    • [Only if EMS is online] If Gas is used in a Raid (Bank, Gen Store, Base and etc.) then all criminals will be dead upon arrival and can respawn.


    • [Only if EMS is online] If Gas is used in a Raid (Bank, Gen Store, Base and etc.) then all criminals that TAKE DAMAGE from the gas and die can respawn.

    Why should we add it? - 

    Because it is not specific enough.

    What are the advantages of having this? -

    So then there are no arguments over what is considered a rule or not.

    Who is it mainly for? -


    Links to any content - 

    I made a sit against somebody for FailRP because I was jailed when gas was used. I was told this.


  7. What you want to see? - I want to see an existing rule edited.

    Something like this:

    1-) The Basics

    • Murderers can use family names while on the job, but cannot /murder.

    Why should we add it? - SMT should add this because players like me will use serial killer more often since they can't loose the Barret and its a fun weapon.

    What are the advantages of having this? - The advantage is that it would treat the job like a normal criminal class but with a catch. Its a good counter when criminals are out numbered, government has to be more tactical which brings more roleplay to the table.

    Who is it mainly for? - criminals

    Links to any content - 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Bartholomew said:

    I could not have worded this any better - Support

    Most of the weapons are unplayable because of how strong some of the meta weapons are. My friends and I have tried multiple guns at the average range a gun fight occurs on the server and for example the M249 couldn't even kill me in one mag. It had around 100 bullets too. I had 170 armor and 100 hp to start.

  9. 13 minutes ago, Respecter of Women Big Ben said:

    reducing weapon diversity is not something that sounds good for the longevity of the server


    The point isn't to make every weapon exactly the same. Only to buff them so then everyone isn't a bullet sponge and to make a lot of the weapons not obsolete anymore.

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