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Posts posted by ZeferGaming

  1. File Name: Zomnation 
    Full Name: Name
    CI RND IA Zefer 

    Current Position: Rank IA 




    Date: XX/XX/*Redact the Year* Example Redaction: 10/15/22 


    Location: Site 50, *Location Unknown*


    CI Personnel Involved: [LCPL Elevate]


    SCP’s Involved: [SCP-049]

    SCP Class: Euclid


    Overview: What's the test about? Figuring out how 049 zombie turning powers work  


    Hypothesis: What do you think will happen? What do you hope to achieve? 

    My thoughts going into this way he had some kind of Supernatural power that allowed him to turn Beings into Zombie like Creatures, I was hoping to delve in Deeping into 049 Mind to find out the truth behind his power's 


    Observation 1-A: *What happened during the test follow up with an Audio/Video Log.
    Example of Log-

    *Goes in the chambers where 049 is waiting to be tested in* 


    .<Start Audio Log>

    Zefer: 049 how long have you had this ability to Turn Beings into Zombie like Things 

    . 049: I have always had this power since as far as I can remember 

    *Brings out a Rotting dead Corps that is not animated*  

    Zefer: can you turn this dead body into a living Zombie? 

    049: Sorry but that is not how Power's work it kind of has an exasperation date only the Living can be turned into Zombies 

    Elevate: us me as a test I'll be happy to die for the cause 



    *Releases 049 from his binds and witness as he turned Elevate into a Zombie*    


    CI Army:  "this gives me an idea why don't we Let 049 loss down the to the Foundation and let him turn them all into zombies 


    *i gave 049 to CI army to take over from there* 


    .<End Audio Log>

    Observation 1-A: What happened after the Audio Log/another observation. 

    I left the chambers to go contemplating what just happened well CI went off to Release 049 to the foundation  

    Error/Safety Hazards: Did anything end up in the wrong way or cause this test to fail? Was it avoidable? Any lessons to be learned?

    we Lost a CI member from the test but from his own free will to farther the test but it was still a Life lost in the prosses maybe next time we can capture a foundation member instead of using our own men. 

    Conclusion: *What did we gain from this test? How can it help us in the future?* 

    me Personally I learned more about 049 and his limitations of his powers to turn People into zombies, but! they were still significant enough to if we were to us 049 to are advantage, we could easily take over the foundation and it Seemed that 049 was more than willing to work with us so maybe in the future we can us him as a bioweapon.  


    <End of Log>

  2. - support

    Here is why 

    - the questions are vary important to get right and here it looks like you just Rushed over them 

    - said what's to be a leader but the Answers he gave not only Rushed but two of them are pretty much the same answer and there not even right awnsers. 

    14 hours ago, AoiAkuto said:


    8-1. You have found a Resident Medic in HCZ, what do you do?

    Explain the rules to them about staying in LCZ and taking them back to LCZ.

    Okie so you explain the Rules and take them back to LCZ? First off are you going to be Explainng them in HCZ where he not allowed? Cause this awnser gives me that vibe. Always take someone too Medbay to the Command Room to Explain rules to them that way they don't get cheeky and go back there on perpous. Also when in the command room make sure to let them know this is a Verbal warning and that it could get worse if it's a Second offence. 

    I personally don't feel your ready for Command just yet 


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  3. In Game Name: Zefer 
    Steam ID (STEAM_0:0:000000001): qSTEAM_0:0:107843717
    Discord Name (Ruby#0001): ZeferGaming#8552

    When did you start playing on SCP-RP? (Approximately): 2 months Ago 

    Why do you want to join Nu-7? (75 word minimum): I Recently joined E-11 but I want to join MTF in D-block and Shoot D-Class well also doing my MTF jobs something I can't do right now as E-11 it annoyes me cause I know I can do so much more in MTF pluse I love what NU dose compared to E-11 and now I have the MTF job pack ide love to us those jobs in D-Block especially the clocker. Pluse as a Former SGT in sec I feel I could bring alot to MTF NU and I hope you guys agree that I belong in your ranks too if not though then that's fine but I still felt like I had to apply cause I really want to be MTF NU and help D-block out 

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers. (If you haven't been in any branches, exclude this from your application.): I'm a EM in Medical a PVT in E-11 I us to be a SGT in Sec and a CPL in CI over in Impieral I was a Rear admiral and Nova Vice Commander as well as a Captain in Medical and a Major in Purge 

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: yes that won't be a problem. 

  4. 1. What’s your In-Game Name? 


    2. What’s your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)? 


    3. What is your Rank? 

    Elite Medic 

    4. Total strikes you’ve ever received?

    Zero and I am keeping it that way 

    5. How many warnings do you have on GL? 

    Again, zero in the 2 and half years I have been here I have had no Warnings in gaminglight 

    6. On a scale of 1-10, how active are you?

    10 I Neglect my other life 90% of the time to be on the Medical jobs 

    7. Why do you believe you should become a Medical Command member (100+ words)?

    all though I have never been Command on SCP over in Imperial I was a Vice commander and a Rear Admiral witch if you didn't know was the Equivalence to a Commander at the time, I have major Leading skills as I have been almost every rank in Imperial, but as for SCP I have dedicated myself too Medical since ever since joining it I have been vary serous about getting the max amount to my rank so I could get the full amount out of Medical  cause I felt it was important that I experience everything that Medical had to offer before I felt like Applying so I would be ready for my first Command rank, in which I plan on giving my 100% best when going into the rank as I feel that any Command rank is to be treated with the uta most respect and care as screwing up can have major problems in the long around. such an honor should not be taken Lightly there is always times for fun and games but when it is time to bring the seriousness in, I can do that like no other person my job will be tough there will be problems that will need to be solved and I am more than willing to hit them head on and do my job when called for. 

    8-1. You have found a Resident Medic in HCZ, what do you do? 

    first scenario: I would ask the RM to kindly follow me to MedBay where from there I would give him a Verbal warning to not to go there again as that is Reserved for Field Medic + and SM+ with the permission from a Command member.  

    second scenario: he Refuses to Listen which would resolve in me giving me a Strike for not listening to command orders 

    third scenario: if he refuses to follow and continues to act up not or straight up ignores me, I will Remove his whitelist Kick him from the job and Issue a DNT on him and have his Tags be removed in Discord (note: I pray this never happens, but it can Luckly Medical pretty responsible for the most part, but it could happen none the less)    

    8-2. There is a Medic requesting to be trained for Field Work, how would you train them? 

    I would give the Medic the SOP for Field Medic tell him to read it and then I would go over anything that he does not understand answer any questions he might have then give him his Discord Tags and then the Whitelist for the Job then Log the Training in the Discord in sub regiments logs (notes: I have to do this anyways at the current rank as I am currently a SFM)  

    8-3. You see an Experienced Medic shooting D-Class in D-Block, what do you do? 

     first scenario: again, I would ask the ExM to come to Medbay then I would tell him what he did wrong and then I will tell him he is being Striked for RDM from a Noncombatant 

    second scenario: if the RDM was in Self-defense then I would let him be on his way as this would be sticking to the SOP guidelines  

    • Like 1
    • Gaminglight Love 1
  5. What is your In-Game name? 


    What is your SteamID (e.g. STEAM_0:1:55975235)?


    What is your rank? (Medical and/or Maintenance)


    How many strikes do you currently have? 

    Zero and I plane on keeping it that way 

    How many warnings do you have on GL? (Post a screenshot of your warnings)

    Zero in my 2 and half years of being a part of gaminglight 

    Who gave you permission to apply?


    Why are you a good fit for Trauma Engineer (150+ Words)? 

    first off since coming to Medical I have been very active and Very Loyal overall; I have been on top with my activity since I have joined Medical, now for the reason why I feel like I would be a good fit for this position, simply put I love Both Medical and Maintenace it pained me to leave Maintenace a while back, but this job could give me the best of both worlds well still being a part of one branch something that I feel would greatly improve my enjoyment on the server and in return I could give more Trauma Engineers to Medical witch is the main reason why I am applying in the first place cause I was told you guys needed more and it sounds like a crazy fun job to be in. another reason why I feel I would be a good fit for Trauma Engineer is I am already a fantastic Field Medic I recently reached the rank of SFM and I have been very dedicated towards it, but Getting Trauma Engineer would help me evolve myself into getting Command witch I also plan on doing in the future and hopefully I can show you guys that I am more than capable for this position and others to come. 



    Scenario Questions:

    Q1: An MTF Nu7 Corporal is in dire need of surgical attention (5% health) but an MTF E11 Captain has asked you to come to SCP-966’s containment cell and fix its doors. What should you prioritize? 

    first off, I would comms in if anyone else can get to the door to fix it then I would tend to the MTF wounds if the replacement for the door being fix would be available. 


    Q2: SCP-106 is on its last advert and is about to breach. As you are enroute to 106’s cell, a squad of MTF D5 Gladiators requests that you squad up with them. What should you prioritize?          

    106 is a must priority in this stiction nothing else take provenance over getting 106 back in his CC   

  6. 22 hours ago, Bub said:


    Im agreeing with you here that with the current weapons the dune crawlers are underperforming. I think they should have weapons that have a small damage buff so that they will form i little bit of a bigger threat. But it also shouldnt be to much since they do have a huge speed boost.


  7. Name: Zefer


    Rank: SGT 


    Steam ID (Example: STEAM_0:1:174348602): STEAM_0:0:107843717


    Discord ID (Example: Hex-G#0702): ZeferGaming#8552


    Current Sub-Branches your in: FTO 


    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 100+ words): N/A


    Any Notes, Questions, or Concerns?: N/A






  8. + support

    - Good person

    - good maintenance

    - only problem I have is he tends to AFK alot and doesn't mentor lower ranks to much witch for Command would be nice if he did but that's more personal reason then anything on my part 

  9. 7 hours ago, Theta said:

    implore you to join the GM team, then you can make a real difference.

    Problem if you guys blacklist ppl for leaving GMs if it's more then a few times witch I'm not made but if y'all are having problems with getting GMs maybe it's time to change the restrictions abit I was more then willing to help out you guys before I jumped to SCP but cause quota on quota we can't allow ppl leaving mutable times it I couldn't get in to help and with my experience I would have help alot and dont tell me it's cause it causes problems the only thing you guys need to do is train the new recruits why that a problem SMT dose it all the time with Staff and they don't blacklist for leaving. I'm not upset but your in this spot cause of GMs strictness. 


    And don't get mad at this it is just my opinion I actually don't care what you guys end up doing with your rules. Nor do I care about returning. 

    • Skull 3
  10. I know all of DT Redacted information and if I wanted to I could say it out loud for everyone to hear and they couldn't do much cause I don't play Impieral anymore. Now would I do that? That's my secret 😏 


    Edited: Just realized I'm saying this to the DT Commander XD 

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