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Everything posted by fordojr.12

  1. Bye, I hope we will see you again in the future, and for me to meet you sometime in the future. Goodbye And Good Luck
  2. Lore Name: Migice Steam ID:http:https://steamcommunity.com/id/50394Migice/ Rank: Associate Researcher Activity Level: 3/10
  3. P.S This test was more for fun if anything, so I will be surprised if this test even gets a B.
  4. Lore Name: Migice & Nathan. (He helped me in the test) Rank: Associate Researcher SCP: 049 Questions/Ideas: Can SCP 049 eat? Or at least get him to talk about food? Like for example food he likes or wants to eat. Background Research: Again I am going into to partly blind, I only know about what he dose, some things about the 049-2, and a little bit more. So I am going to blind. Hypothesis: I believe that because of his intellectual level (IQ) he won't really start talking to much and may just start talking about the subject. Observations (What happened during test): Not what I expected, 049 kept saying that the D-class didn't have any animal crackers on him, the D-class said that he did have cheez-its which I don't know how he smuggled them in, but SCP 049 couldn't find those either, and ended up turning him into SCP 049-2 and then the MTF told him to slit his throat and there would be the animal crackers and cheez-its, 049 did, and he found them, but it took a entire team of hazmats to get the D-class and turn him back, the D-class ended up getting incinerated. Evidence/Visual Stimuli: I did not take any pictures during the test, sadly. Analysis/Conclusion (What could of caused the results): With the MTF motivation (He kept yelling about the food) it could of tapered with most of the results. Was your Hypothesis correct?: Well it was tapered, but it did work. His IQ level wasn't as high as I thought.
  5. Name: Migice Rank: Junior Researcher SCP: 1162 Question/Idea: Can the D-class find something they lost, wither it be a toy or a organ Background Research: Now I havn't researched it much, but I have seen it in action, when being with another scientist, the D-class reached in and pulled out many objects, including a dog's kidney, which was quite strange. Hypothesis: I believe that they will find what they are thinking about, and not what they said, I believe it is what they are thinking about at that time, it would explain something's about the other test, for example when testing with a scientist the D-class pulled out a knife, C4, and a ring, I believe it is what they are thinking about, or something that has been mentality attached, like for example the ring, Margie, perhaps he was even going to propose, and it haunts him to this day. I am not sure exactly what will happen, but that is the purpose of this test. Observations: He reached into the darkness, but nothing came out, nothing at all! It was strange, but I don't believe this was a failure, but something else, I cannot say but it was something... Evidence/ Visual Stimuli: I believe that in his line of thought, he thought of something bigger than what the hole could provide, my Evidence of this is that nothing came out. Analysis/Conclusion: I believe that he thought of something bigger than the hole, or something that can't come out of the hole, like freedom. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: No, I thought it would be different, But it shows me that perhaps, they want freedom, but I don't think this is ever going to happen.
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