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Everything posted by Normal_Bagel

  1. 100/100 Love the use of pictures and fonts Good format love the video, especially intro and outro All of this outshines the fact that the logs a bit short Over all absolutely amazing log
  2. Test log assigned for grading. Please wait 2-3 days for final score.
  3. Test Log assigned for grading Please wait 2-3 days for final score
  4. Test log assigned for grading Please wait 2-3 days for final grade
  5. Test log assigned for grading Please wait 2-3 days for final grade
  6. Test log assigned for grading Please wait 2-3 days for final grade
  7. +support Great idea, but we should give cuffs to trainees for """""practice"""""
  8. Test Log assigned for Grading Please wait 2-3 days for final score
  9. In Game Name: Bagel Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:96853110 Discord Name: Normal_Bagel#7985 If you have any SCP-RP warns, please list when and why you got them here: 2, one was when I first joined the server (back when A1 was a thing) for fail RP. I have no clue why because it was over a year ago. and the other one was shooting other Dclass (Crossfire) Why would you like to join MTF Nu7 "Hammer Down?" I would like to join because I have the experience and skill. I have been in almost every MTF branch throughout the years and with that I have gained a lot of combat skill and experience, along with plenty of knowledge of the MOTD, how to read SOP's, Armory Restrictions, and other documents. I want to be apart of a group that can get shit done when shit needs doing, and sense Nu7 is in the facility at all times Nu7 is great for that. I like Nu7 and most of the people in Nu7. I feel as if this is one of the coolest branches to apart of and I would really feel as if I was at home. I've always wanted to recontain SCP's and feed them, as a Gen-Sec officer I don't get to witness the true experience of that. So yes this I why I would like to join your Nu-7 unit. If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were. This counts for all servers: Current: Research RM Past: A1 SGT E11 MSGT CI MSGT R&D Senior archivist SM in GenSec Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7? We don't treat it like a job here - but we do expect you to be notified and enjoying your time: Yup
  10. + Good activity Great test logs - Test feels rushed/Submited 3 hours ago just got EXPR (Roster not even updated yet)
  11. Test Log assigned for grading. Please wait 1-3 days for final score.
  12. +/- Support leaning +Support + Makes a valid point, take me for example I transferred from R&D to Foundation Research and Skipped 5 ranks (7 if I was not already a AR.) For me it wasn't the case, but if I filled up the RAS slots that would be a giant 'fuck you!' to people like CyClone, Gaming goat, and any other other amazing LRs that would be good CMD. When people transfer from CMD to CMD especially branches like R&D --> Research things are so much different I was SCMD in R&D, Resigned, came back as a SIN, and then transferred to Research. In my time in R&D Build mussel memory that is very hard to break, for example. R&D Research Take any test logs you want Assigned from RA's Any CMD can talk in announcements RAM's and below need perms form HCMD Can On-site on anything Can only do select things - Very hard for people to try out new branches (Even then you can go up the ranks and learn from there) I feel like a good alternative would be that no matter your rank, if you have not been CMD in the other branch you can only go to the lowest enlisted rank. However if you have been command in the other branch, you can only go to the lowest CMD Rank.
  13. 100/100 + good idea cool formatting and images
  14. + SR Great activity good log - One Test (Although it was quite a nice test)
  15. Please add the 75+ word requirement and resubmit.
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