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Posts posted by APE

  1. 53 minutes ago, Sprink said:

    Your statement is valid and reasonable but I have a few concerns with what your assuming will happen. Obviously for a short period (week or two after coming out) wardens will not be as active as before but that happens with anything new onto the server. People want to try stuff new. Also you state “just add the HULK for wardens”. I see how you could think that would be the logical way of doing things is adding and improving wardens but that is just not the case. Sadly Wardens has been limited to a max of 3 jobs, no more no less so it would be impossible to add more jobs as then jobs like wardens overseer or exspira would have to be replaced which just isn’t logical do to the function of them. One last thing is you also state that we don’t need anymore sub branches because it will just limit out current ones but if you look we are the only branch on the server that doesn’t have ranks and structure for every single sub branch. All that is being done here is actually updating our old and dysfunctional system of Wardens. 

    Your signature is wrong silly goose, I don't wanna debate why you are wrong though, nor your misquoting of me and blanket statements. 

  2. -/+Support 

    I don't think any DCLASS would try their luck here. I'm confident that it would be possible to get enough D-class organized and able to hide and fight, but this kind of Cache thing won't be a real frequent occurrence. A cache raid will be once in a blue moon imo.

     I enjoy initiative being taken in security, but not when a sub-branch with as much capability and promise as Wardens is being actively slept on. Rather than working with and promoting struggling facets of what jobs and duties already exist, what I see here is an addition of multiple new jobs and facets. Chiefly, this will cause even more issues for the Wardens sub-branch. Now if Wardens want anything new, it will be "But security already has Juggernauts and a HULK", quite possibly crushing future Warden's potential for growth.

    Anyways! Good luck HCMD, hope your hard work pays off. But think amongst yourselves if you will, and perhaps ponder the idea that maybe not all of securities issues stem from a lack of content, but a mishandling of content from within. 🤨 Thats my wise wizard quote for the day lmao. Much love. 


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  3. @Mind Stone 


    We were the 3 musketeers, Ed Edd and eddy, the three stooges, the three blind mice, the power puff girls, along with robin, Batman, and Alfred combined. Before I left we were the only 3 players left in security since 2019, and now there is only two of you. Eventually it will be none and that will have marked thousands of players and dozens of command that passed through security all forgotten to the books and rules. However I hope what we made together will last, so even if those in the future don’t know of its origin, they will still look upon our work and appreciate it. 

    • Gaminglight Love 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Jack S said:

    Damn no mention of me? I can't thank you with enough words, how many times you've been there or got my back when it was most needed. You were one of if not the most reliable security member there was. Fucking love you man, take it easy. Ohio Gang ❤️ O7

    It was removed in the draft, un momento.


  5. Name: Ape

    Rank: COL

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:485925174

    Current Sub-Branches your in: Wardens,FTO

    Why should you retain your rank (Command ONLY | 150+ words): I’ve been command for well over a year and almost two now, and went through the system like everyone else to get where I am today. Despite the fact that I lead a very busy life, working while in University (and having to keep a 3.5 in order to reach my 4 year goal which is dog balls) I still make time for the server and do what I can in order to contribute. In my time if I had to name notable things that I have done, since that is a good way to detect if someone is contributing. I have done much for wardens of which I have lead for over a year I believe. I am not only a founder of wardens but the first DWHD, and the second HWD. I’ve lost Atleast 5 deputy heads since my time as HWD but I’ve still remained. Im active in deciding who gets moved up in the branch and have helped create many new experiences for security. I was responsible for the most recent HP and AP buffs for both Wardens and NCO/Enlisted, and suggested the lightweight job as well as wrote it’s description. Borderline I do all that I need to do in order to maintain my rank and sometimes a bit extra when the help is required. 

  6. 1 hour ago, Some minge said:

    Mind please no need to be so belligerent towards people who dont agree with the post.



    This might require a complete overhaul of the current models which would be a great waste of time and resources for such a mechanic. I think SMT have better thing's to worry about  than a Security branch that essentially has 300 hp on every job struggling to fight classes with 200 or less hp. 

    Just do more PT's that encourage people to get more comfortable with the TFA weapons and boom there is you're solution it will take some intiative but it's better than wasting a week or 2 of SMT's time for what ultimately can be considered  " A Skill issue" 

    Dragin, Gubby, Whatever you wish to be called. He is simply commenting toward those who are -Supporting with no valid reason, and just essentially saying "get good". If it were you own post it would annoy you to see such pointless and sarcastic comments that contribute absolutely nothing. Don't get me wrong, I think this suggestion is stupid LMAO, but you calling others belligerent is the pot calling the kettle black my friend. Even saying your opinion on minds confrontations is pointless, stick to the debate, your comment was just as unneeded as his were. 

    • Like 2
  7. 6 hours ago, Pillercat said:

    I agree with this 100%. From my understanding, the GenSec undercover system is supposed to be used to make sure that GenSec enlisted, NCOs, and LCMD are doing a good job. However, it definitely seems to be more commonly used to instigate situations just like this. Sometimes the rank is even lower than CPL, so this causes even more of an issue.

    With that being said, I have a few additional thoughts on the matter:

    1. The HSU probably could have slowed down a bit.

    2. Full out killing the HSU was a pretty big overreaction and didn't need to happen.

    3. The disrespect was also unneeded. You cussed out the HSU and insulted him and from what I saw in the sit (granted I came towards the end), you were quite rude to Weiss. He barely interrupted you and you proceeded to angrily and loudly shush him and tell him to be quiet. It was completely uncalled for and very condescending.



    Was I warned for being aggressive? Did I not admit to my anger at the situation in my own description of the events? This is to appeal an warn for RDM. Was it RDM or was it not, that's what we are deciding. This isn't an appeal for rage. How I acted is irrelevant to the warn I received.

    8 hours ago, th3 said:

    This 100%. Poor decision making played a huge part in this situation occurring. The worst thing that can happen is taking matters into your own hands when it can be resolved by a quick and easy staff call to get clarification. I would say however, that a formal warning is 100% needed, given that the person warned knows the rules and purposefully chose to rdm over calling staff.


    Killing someone who is cuffing you without reason and FAILRP you is not RDM, you are allowed to kill those who try and cuff you unjustly and for no reason without the power to do so, that much is true. As I was being cuffed for no reason, with the HSU not following proper procedures, and about to FAILRP if he were to cuff me, I feel, or rather I know that I am allowed to kill him. It would seem very few staff disagree with that. But still, I appreciate your input as I do with everyone.

  8. 17 minutes ago, Weiss said:

    In this case however I'd still disagree. The case at hand here did appear to be an excessive over escalation; While the HSU could have lessened this risk by being less forceful.
    I'd also say the same thing for Ape in this scenario.  More than enough time was given explain "Hey, I'm allowed to be here or "Hey I'm undercover",  "Wait, this is  a CC", etc."  Rather than
    a "Cuff me and I'll kill you" followed by Duel Augers. This appeared to be an attempt to escalate the situation rather than deescalate. 
    Thus taking this in consideration, their prior record and previous confusions caused by going undercover. Rather than a verbal I choose to issue a formal.

    On the interruption part. Whilst I did interrupt Ape at one point to respond to one of his points; He did notify me he'd like to 
    continue talking in his manner of speaking. Which from my recollection I did let him keep talking where then I notified him
    he'd be receiving a warn and may appeal it on the forum. 


    Did I not say "Hold on" 4 maybe 5 or 6 times before informing him that if he continued to cuff me I would kill him? Do not pick and choose quotes, use the whole video and all that I said. I stood there in place for half the time telling him to wait, and after he pursued,  continued dodging his cuffs after giving warnings upon warnings. If I run, I get RDMED. If I get cuffed, then I get failRPed. I have talked to many and I did what I believe anyone would do if they had the same situation. I need you to directly quote and give me specific examples of these prior "incidences", because I have never once been brought to a sit for being undercover. I have MADE sits regarding it, but this is a unique issue. You say "if" he did this, but I did not and did not need to, not everyone has something to say on the spot, hence why I asked him to wait. If you are going to both pick and choose what words fit your case best, and make blanket statements about past actions without providing any concrete evidence and or facts to support them, then I would appreciate it if you would just not try to defend your stance at all. A defense made with only null and empty points is the same as having no defense at all. We'll see what happens I suppose, No hard feelings ofcourse.

    • Like 1

    Your In-game Name:


    Your SteamID:


    The admin's name in-game:


    What warning did you receive:


    When did you receive this warning:

    30 Minutes ago.

    Please give a description of the situation that led to the warning:

    Walked into HCZ with the ancient Enlisted model, was encountered by an HSU, he told me to leave, I said hold on. At the time I was turning down my teamspeak volume,  I tabbed back In game and he was cuffing me, so I told him to stop right again, backed up, continued to tell him to stop. He did not stop so in order to not be FailRPed and cuffed I killed the HSU. This being my only option as the protocal for running away from arrests in Nu7 is killing so it was either be cuffed in FailRP or be RDMed. I chose neither.

    Why do you think this warn was false:

    I was on a custom job and was allowed in HCZ, using a name with 'CPL" in it, as you know CPLs can be in HCZ with an escort or on a patrol. I requested the HSU wait for explanation, as he had absolutely zero way of knowing whether or not I could have been escorting or on patrol, maybe even lost, he had no clue. All he had to do was wait for my answer but instead he impatiently tried to cuff me, which I rightfully denied and shot him. Ontop of this, the admin who took the HSU's sit, "Islandtoad" was told by the HSU to contact a different admin to take the sit, only because Islandtoad was a security member. Now the Senior Admin said no rules were broken, but Weiss (who was called in) thought differently, and hardly let me defend a case, insisting on interrupting me which did indeed get me pissed off. Not lying, I was more than annoyed. Brought to a sit for not doing anything wrong, having the sit maker request a new staff after not liking his first results, and now not being able to speak when I know the rules just as well as anyone else. Summary is I went into HCZ on a custom class, was stopped and asked to leave, told the unit to hold on, said hold on about 5 times over a long period, showed zero aggression or eagerness to fight until the HSU trying to cuff me would not stop and let me explain why I was allowed to be there. The HSU acted impatiently, did not know my circumstance, and acted on his own accord. If anything if he wound up cuffing me I could have made a sit for Failrp. My original admin deemed that I did nothing wrong, but the next one who luckily had a much higher staff rank thought otherwise.  

    Evidence the warning is false: https://medal.tv/clips/4cE7HgIsr3Hsj/W1KZ9u3OEmHQ 

    This was his clip, as you can see I have a vape out and am chewing food, and tell him multiple times that I will kill him if he were to keep wrongfully cuffing me. If he simply waited 5 more second I could have told him my situation but he thought it better otherwise. Also, Weiss, I think its proper procedure to let one speak when you are about to warn them and they disagree. However you decided to keep talking over me and that royally pissed me off. Forgive my profanity in any way, and my loud mic combined with my raised voice probably was annoying in game. However I would respect it if you used reason with warning me I would not have gotten so Gamer raged for lack of better words. 😆 Do not get me wrong, I don't have many warns and I would gladly take a justified warn any day, but I have talked to many staff and they all said this warn is dog buns. I was on a CC as a CPL, Which means I could have been on a patrol or an escort, but rather than asking I was just being cuffed, and I tried to warn them many times to stop so that I could give an explanation but that obviously did not happen. Literally just logically thinking, all profanities and bias's aside, this would at most be an explanation in a sit since the HSU did not know what was going on, but somehow it was a warn for RDM. If you wanna go ahead and make a playerdiss warn for me calling this HSU a mofo then do that, at least that would have some ground. @Apple , a Super Admin, Same rank as Weiss, said that it should not be a warn. If I am getting falsely cuffed, I shoot, there is nothing else you can do besides keep yourself from being falsely cuffed.

    • Like 1
    • Thanks 1
  10. 13 minutes ago, Ashe Fox said:

    As to your point of saying “only speak facts” I have a lot of people in security who like me, and that I’m friends with. Including command and NCO’s. So please don’t use your personal feelings about me to say that it is a wrong claim. As I only said I have a great reputation because I have lots of evidence that I do. 

    Then produce said evidence? Sorry but saying "I have a lot of evidence" is indeed, not evidence. Your status is not a fact unless all of said people come here and attest to it. When someone says "People think this about me" In an application or a resume, it is thrown away and means nothing to those deciding as it is what we call a "Blanket Statement" that contributes nothing as it lacks any crucial weight to back it up. I have almost never seen anyone attest to their own reputation, as it is widely considered improper to do so. Let said people tell us what they think about you, because we are not inclined and do not believe what you say otherwise. That's all 🙂  best of luck though!

  11. -Support 

    Some general tips. Never speak for other people, such as saying “My reputation is phenomenal” and “My great reputation.” Those are both opinions and people would rather you say facts, such as your time spent in security giving you knowledge on how it works. 

    I find your claim of not cracking under pressure iffy since I’ve seen you get insanely flustered over basically nothing, and you have also insulted me with profanities, shown a lack of respect, and been generally immature when speaking to me in an emotionally aggravated state. 

    • Like 1
  12. Everyone, be happy to know that our KOS vape rule is now gone. We can vape in peace!

    +/- Support 

    Smaller is fine but not cigarette small. That takes all the fun out of it. I personally have yet to see it actually be utilized to a successful extent in combat so I can’t speak for those who have, but I’d suggest aim practice for anyone having issues. It isn’t a smoke grenade in the slightest and only covers a small area, but then again I just think it’s fun to have some goofy things like this on the server. We never get to have fun things because someone always has an issue with it, so I’m much more willing to just deal with the meager issues that arise and enjoy myself instead. 

  13. On 7/25/2021 at 1:21 PM, Coolcaz11 said:

    + Support

    You have been putting in a ton of effort towards getting this position, and don't think that it's gone unnoticed!

    You have plenty of experience under your belt too, so I'm interested to see how things will go.

    Best of luck!


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