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Some Weeb

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Posts posted by Some Weeb

  1. Name: Weeb 

    Current & Former GL SCP-RP Ranks: 

    R&D SIN / EOI (Former 2021/2022 former)

    Military DHLS SFTO SM (Former)

    Security SFTO SM (Former) 

    Research Researcher (Former)

    Maintenance ME (Former)

    Nu7 CPL (Former)

    D5 RCT (Former)

    MTF Omi-9 RCT/PVT (Former)

    MTF Alpha-1 CPL/SGT (Former)

    MTF Alpha-1 Alpha 6 (Former) 

    SteamID: 76561198944073707

    DiscordID: 647629250748481546

    How well do you know the G.O.C. lore (On a scale of 1-10)? 6

    Why do you believe that you are the best fit to be an Officer?:

    Too be honest one of the biggest things that I have going for me others dont is a huge diversity of leadership experiences both real-world and RP alike. I have been in commander positions, staff positions, hcmd positions and more. I have been high ranks in other established communities and those experiences have allowed be to gain an insight and perspective that most people on our current command teams lack. Additionally,  I have been on this community and known its people for vastly longer then most people. This I feel gives me a capability to achieve success that is much higher then those who might compete for this rank as well.  Finally, I am able to invest time that other people on this server either dont have time to give and or dont want to. 

    What skills and qualities do you possess that show you are competent enough to be an Officer? Thorough and plentiful experiences, superior knowledge of the community, adaptability, time and many more skills. 

    How will you maintain branch relationships and upkeep communication with other branches? I'd probably do regular check in's with other branches in the sense of just general conversation. I'd also work towards making more joint/out of character interactions with other branches.  I know that one of the bigger causes for branch relations is simply there being too much competition what I mean by this is something like CI having too few interactions besides combat with another branch might cause issues. Hence the importance of other interactions outside of combat. 


    Too address something, aka the resignation that took place approximately a month ago, the reason I did that was largely due to having not much faith in my current CoC, if I am granted the officer position in GoC I feel I will be in a position where I can work on those problems with Command with a bit more "Effectivity" so yeah, in case anyone thinks that I am coming back just for the rank, you're right, it's because with this rank I will be able to have slightly more influence hopefully with our branch command and hopefully help produce a strong branch with capable leaders and if not, help guide the leaders to be, to be even greater. 

  2. I am honestly laughing at the really terrible attempt to try and act like there is nothing wrong with this CC.



    You can't make rules that's SMT, your rules have never been formally acknowledged so don't mean shiet.

    Also, yall don't RP that's just a plain fuckin lie. Someone gives you money and you do what they tell you. There is nothing RP about that.



    Butchered black ops and made nobody annoying as hell for everyone. We are on a roll people! 

    • Like 2
    • Thanks 2
  3. 9 hours ago, Boesermaster said:

    You can fill out a Form to complain about command, and address these Issues. Or make player reports ? I am not sure which one would apply in this situation. 

    It wouldn't be a complaint or report. What I am referencing is what I believe to be a fundamental issue with how the structure of SCP RP is.  If I was to make any sort of formal movement it would be more like a suggestion which would be (complete) reorganization of command. In other words highly unlikely to go anywhere. 

    • Like 2
  4. +Support

    Honestly, I just wished pvp was more realistic on this server and would actually reward skill. Then again I am an MRP player so my vision would probably make it way too fucking hard to play the game so whatever ig. 


    But removing limb damage is simply a good median. Allows for more skill and tac based combat. 



  5. 3 minutes ago, Pure said:


    this is seems like a Issue for Snar more than anything, I suggest putting it in CC Reports


    1 minute ago, Chineseman said:

    unfortunately i have to go with this as well 

    Too my knowledge this has already happened. Snar removed it from the CC, I remember when it "broke" pretty sure it was snar then they made that post and added it again. I mean they know the model is broken and have known.


    At this point it's just willful ignorance.

    +/- not sure if they can be warned but a removal of the CC would probably be in order since they neglected the last report.

  6. (For reference this is all just respectful yet unfiltered criticism none of it is meant to belittle a group of people or negatively critcize someone its just feeling)


    Yeah it's me the mf that's resigned almost as much as Gordan or Neo. Yeah I'm off this shit, tbh I won't say the server got boring. Server's always been good fun. The people tho are a different story, me personally I think the transition from when the server was fun to now is mostly at the fault of how the world is ran nowadays. Where everyone has to cradle someone else because their feelings and beliefs matter or some shit. I'm not saying it doesn't but overtime people have constantly and in more volume projected that on other people. The entitlement people have nowadays and the unquenchable urge for people to brag about their online accomplishments honestly just spins around my head. 


    It's not just the people but also the way its managed. The SF system for example is completely fuckin broken, too be fair though  it's  always has been. A totally secluded sub branch of people who are handpicked by the people in it is stupid. That is literally the #1 thing in the books that causes shit like circle jerking and friend groups. It's not skill based and or dedication based because there have been plenty of people who are simply better then anyone in their branches SF that don't get it or take like 6 months to get in. 


    There's some other shit too ig like overall worse and worse command members. Who treat enlisted and NCOs like dogs. Where the promotion is a bone and they are constantly told go fetch it. Which is also annoying. I don't know just general degrade overtime.


    Inspite all of this there was good people that I'll give a quick mention.


    @K I W I (hopefully the right one) - Cool guy, feel like you could've advocated more for CI and it's people at times.

    @Cecil Stedmen - Pretty legendary leader some people say you were overhyped but tbf those people probably will become desk workers irl so whatever.

    @Bossatron1924- Very racist and his wife crashed the car. 

    @IgnisNuts-  o7 gang, legit coolest guy round the block 

    @Ireland.- Great person and was a pleasure to serve with in LS 

     @Sogieeeeeee- Can be very fucking mean if you insult D4.

    @Dagger- You are an idiot and can't prove me wrong.

    @kari- Legit one of the best command in CI 

    @Ruz- Lmao I don't even know what to say. Bro's a bro 

    @Don Ceech- 🥱🤗🤠😎🥶😱😨👻😽❤️🔥😨

    @Destroyer2 - took me 28 minutes of research to find your Time Zone. 

    • Angry 1
    • Gaminglight Love 4
  7. -Support for the SHAME thing.


    70+ players for 700HP combatant? Like what? Not to mention 12 CI, the fucking thing can probably kill half of that on its own. Not to mention the Starcraft 2 marines are incredibly laggy and bad looking. The dudes hand is probably the size of the gun. It would look ridiculous.


  8. 3 hours ago, Loona said:

    Times have changed, and I have grown as a person. 2 Years ago I wasn't happy with myself, so I understand the reservation here.

    Sorry about that man, I hope that's gotten better. I am gonna give you my benefit of the doubt and empathy though because I definitely understand the negative impacts that arise from that and I do hope it's gotten better for you m8.



    Your app looks good

    You have the experience 

    Just make sure what happened before ain't happen again and we good. 

  9. On 4/2/2023 at 10:31 PM, Mangoo said:

    Just coming off of a resignation however, I want to make sure that if you were to be accepted you would be sticking around to help with the longevity of a branch. We want good command that will stay, not good command who will leave us too soon.

    Bro left cause CI is just as repetitive as Call of Duty games lmfao. Not diss just facts. It's really easy to burn out in CI just like Security. Prolly resigned for other reasons but definitely nothing that should effect the app


    • Like 1
  10. -Support


    I find you to be a more immature person. Back when I was EOI I made several recommendations to remove you for your horrendous activity and then from what I was told you then tried to say I was trying to coup you in EOI. 


    To this day that has to be the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard. An excuse for your neglect of the branch. I don't know if you've changed; to be quite frank I haven't seen you at all. Though I am gonna chalk that up to the fact of different TZ and because I have selective time schedules. 

  11. 6 hours ago, Roulette said:

    When did I get punished for this and when did this even happen? It's a bit strange you making things up just to -support my app man


    Screenshot 2023-03-31 170447.png

    this is what I was referencing, also I have zero clue why your instantly falling back to "i made it up". Nevertheless my position remains the same.

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