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Not Niro

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Posts posted by Not Niro

  1. Your in game name: MTF Nu7 MSGT Titanium WARM

    Your Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:453495579

    The player's in game name: CI PFC Y ellow / MTF Nu7 PVT Yellow

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:0:434217569

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 9/19/2020

    What did the player do: Changing Job to CI Hotshot after Dying in a MTF Raid as a MTF Nu7 PVT

    Evidence (required): unknown.png unknown.png

    What do you believe should happen to the player: Warn

    Any extra information: N/A

  2. Your In-game Name: Titanium

    Your SteamID:  STEAM_0:1:453495579

    The admin's name in-game: O5-7: 'WildFire'

    What warning did you receive: For "Intentionally shooting 173 as nu7"

    When did you receive this warning: 10/15/2020

    Why do you think this warn was false: First of I did a report for a 173 Where i had a proof of one of my nu7 go in armory and turn and panic shoot 173 and stopping then 173 breaking the 15 second move rule and killing both me and the nu7 After that, I was warned for "intentionally shooting 173 as a nu7"  Which was not me and the nu7 didn't mean it, it was a panic shot BTW The report was only meant to be for 173 which failrp'ed 2 times 

    Evidence the warning is false: 



    Any extra information: Not trying to get woods warned here, it was just a panic shot in the video it shows that he stopped after

  3. Your in game name:MTF Nu7 SSGT Titanium WARM

    Your Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:453495579

    The player's in game name: BEAR SOSOK7979

    The player's steam ID (required): STEAM_0:1:199982187

    Date and Time This Incident Occurred: 10/9/2020

    What did the player do: So, We were going in LCZ as nu7 as there is no gensec on and its one of our jobs, When sweeping armory one of our nu7 medics in the back got killed by 173 and 173 didn't wait 15 or 5 second and went on and killed 2 other nu7 looking at him

    Evidence (required): 


    What do you believe should happen to the player:  RDMx3 I'm not sure about what punshiment he can get for that but anything really

    Any extra information: Yes, This user Keeps on breaching 173 on class d and getting on 173 no proof tho

    • Like 3
  4. 2 hours ago, CreameyCheesey said:

    Wow, okay. Might want to think a bit more before you say things like that.


    As i said i was not told/forced to say any of this, Its just what i saw.
    I am not trying to argue  here.

  5. On 9/18/2020 at 8:58 AM, MTF Nu7 FTO SSGT Stoopid said:

    Fat +support. This man is extremely active and highly respectable. I genuinely believe if anyone should get it, it should be him. 

    Nothing to add to that this man  is just the right guy for this job

    • Like 1
  6. On 9/21/2020 at 8:07 AM, MTF Nu7 FTO SSGT Stoopid said:

    - support

    negative experiences with you, along with other people who've told me you treated them negatively as well


    Also harassed and followed 2 of us around lcz when we needed to get a D class to feed SCPs. Literally asked us "what the fuck are you doing in LCZ? Im tired of seeing you guys in here". Extremely rude. Edit: people saying "I haven't had a bad experience therefore noone else has" for situations they weren't even present for is pretty biased. 

    Ok about this even tho this was a -support before Now i kinda of think he should get it because the way he talked to everyone about it
    So i'm just gonna it a +support now 

    • Like 2
  7. Kinda makes it unfair for low ranking mtf don't you think

    Nu7 + omi9 + E11 all nco/enlisted only get level 3 ?
    Maynard can just open the door from the inside?
    Is it like worth giving maynard a level 4 just to save like 10 seconds?

    Not everyday we see a officer you know? and not everyone is a SF with level 4

  8. I like this idea because it kinda of balances CI and mtf but it makes our cloaked kinda of easy to kill because stealth ops only has about 100/100 So maybe if Steath ops gets buffed to like 150/125 or 125/125 It would balance it be a good idea

  9. I think this is a good suggestion but Now that 682 is buffed and range is large makes it hard to rc but maybe making it that you can only take few hits like 5 hits until 682 breaks your riot shield or something like that and making it so only works on people doe not make a riot shield worth it it doe not even work that well with weapons or knifes



  10. 10 minutes ago, Orange 🍊 said:

    I shall pretend to walk away, but really turn on third person, go around the corner to catch them lacking because I know they are CI but I need a reason to in RP.

    I walked away to go to armory you can tell i was not even there then the researcher talks you can't even see my name on the right that shows that i walked away  + even if i did there is no way to tell that i stayed 


    1 minute ago, [GL] Zeus said:

    My side.

    I was testing on Maynard with a sleuth and Niro followed us for no reason when we already had an escort to 294. Later he claimed that there was a CI raid, even if there was he should have dealt with the CI and not escort a test that was already escorted by a Gensec CC. 

    He then proceeded to tell me I can’t test on defcon 3 which isn’t true, then after so long of telling him, he left. He then proceeded to stand right outside the containment even after knowing there was CI raid and being dismissed from the area. 
    His defense being that It was suspicious I told him to leave, but I’m not sure how it’s suspicious to tell someone to leave to deal with the CI raid and telling them to leave an already escorted test alone.


    First the ci raid was false  thats why i came back to Check and i see blood hear hits and shots  

    And You wanted me to leave before the ci raid was even called for NO REASON ?????

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