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Not Niro

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Posts posted by Not Niro

  1. First you're a well known minge
    Second Bacon shows alot of proof  of you exploiting to get out
    There is legit no proof
    I remember this I was in the nu7 teamspeak listening to this you legit exploited outside of your cc and went killing mtf


    • Dislike 1
  2. Already happend before
    And a lot of people get pissed off

    Unless you want the server to die out then go ahead
    I mean ngl tho, I only have 8.2mil which is like nothing and normally we don't even buy as much stuff
    And Armory rules for some branchs just deny some shit


    Proby much money reset goes like this
    People get pissed off
    CC"s get a lot of their money in no time
    And Wheels were just removed i'm proby sure the money is gonna die out soon, 

    No Point at all


  3. On 10/30/2020 at 7:12 AM, Sprink said:

    My question is how would this be added?

    Well you have to change a full code which takes a long time and alot of coding if this ever gets aceepted its gonna take a long time to get put into the server
    But are we turning into Darkrp now?

  4. 4 hours ago, Tweety said:

    If your going to look at D-Class an an actual prisioners they wouldn't have anything but an orange suit lmao they want every branch to have fun  at the end these D-Class your talking about are actual players that want to have fun same as you so they want a chance against gensec gensec enjoy killing us all day so we deserve to have some fun too if we are going to follow lore no branch would be fun but this is a game the point is to have fun most scps have rules removed from them to make them fair but if we going by lore m idk how they gonna get recontained and who said it 1 shots enlisted? you realize that a few bullets will take down a D class because they are very weak compared to gensec we are a glass cannon not even a cannon but we try to deal some damage in waves i don't mind removing the shotgun but the fact that you guys don't want us to have a single gun which is good is just annoying tbh especially when you guys have an entire armory with over 20 guns to choose from

    Ah yes not like you can get any other weapons 
    And  not like OFC's are new too and everytime they die from something that is so good they would want to leave the server 
    And as i was saying before the gun is not only bad to gensec but MTF and any other job that is killed by class d 

    And Remember this gun is given to class d a insanely Accurate broken shotgun that is better then a remington870 
    Oh Boy lets keep a shotgun sniper to class d so every gensec can get 2 tapped 

    Cmon man this gun is not even a donator weapon its better then most of them
    If you legit buy the metals and mine some its like 10k that's legit less then a negevc and it can 4 tap a HSU

    List off the stuff here okay
    CC's [100-100] More hp then most of gensec 
    Pro class d [150-50?] More hp then most of gensec

    Even if there is no riot controls on you can just keep killing and healing its just unfair for gensec and mtf

  5. First Clip:
    The Shotgun is so accurate it can legit be used as a sniper it can 5 tap a nu7 HSU Think about ofcs?

    Second Clip: 
    4 shotguns are close can kill a 200 200  [if you jump shot with it is still  accurate then jump crouching

    Third Clip: 
    Insane fucking stats 

  6. 9 hours ago, [GL] Zeus said:


    Sprinks side of the story check out for me and if you feel you were unfairly treated my sprink some proof would help gauge the situation.


    Unless you got proof the app is gonna get denied anyways you always need proof for stuff like this

  7. Not Even in maintenance but
    I feel like the app could be done better tho more words in both "Why are you fit for MFF" And "What do you believe MFF"s Purpose is"

    Well we do really need more MFF tho Not everyday a Nu7 can Escort a maintenance to fix a cell
    Looks pretty active to me 


  8. Reasons why it shouldn't be buffed:
    1: HitReg   Legit the hitreg is so good i remember dying thought a door thats how good it is
    2: Its only 18  Normally really good weapons would be sold for way more i think thats why its not as good as the scythe
    3: Already 2 op Legit I got killed by 2 class d with it with only 5-6 hits its 2 good to the point where it can kill a sf in 6 hits thats already 2 good 



    8 hours ago, Sixx said:

    -Support either or because 0 evidence has been provided showing that you didnt break ERP rules.


  9. Reading this was really hard because how small it was but 
    i feel really  bad as you were the only punished for it?
    and the fact that you told them about it 

    I understand the staff but the ban I don't get the ban at all
    I feel like it should be a warning or even a day ban but 1 week I think That's 2 much for a money 
    Exploit If it was something really big then i would understand it but its just money you could just wipe his money and everyone who abused it


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