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Not Niro

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Posts posted by Not Niro

  1. I am not even in Nu7 anymore but when i was in the branch and used ES It wasn't that op
    Even if you say Oh you can stop a raid when you shoot 3 shoots in a doorway it only kills 2-3 [sometimes more] 
    But it is ci fault for going in a group if you don't want to get bombed.

    Idea for CI
    Make  SF/Heavys/delta go in first and everyone to back off so they can take all of the shots then all rush in its the easiest way to get past a ES If you get in a ES Face he can't shoot you with GL and they don't have shotguns

  2. 3 hours ago, Eaten said:

    +/- Support Leaning towards -.

    These are my reasons.
    -Most of the times I have encountered you have been negative
    -Has been generally toxic to me and other Nu7 on SCP's
    -Encouraged people to break rules on SCP's, I have witnessed this once.

    You have changed a bit to be which is a positive.
    Not sure how you are in PvP but thats ok.

    I may change my mind if I see more change, but for now its a -support.

    ^ agreed

  3. 4 hours ago, General bacon said:

    Chopper is active 
    He is a nice guy
    Even if the MRDM question is a bit off its alright
    Even if the warns are just 1 month old he as changed a lot since then.


  4. Well, i didn't really know you that much but you were a cool guy
    I remember taking you hostage as a rnd it was fun until 076-2 ran in and maynard tried to kill us but it was fun
    I hope to see you again in the server 

    BIG F


  5. It doesn't look like teaming to me, he comes from the back which means he  was proby following the ci all the time 
    And in the video you can see the e11 moving away from 106 and going to the middle where he goes for the CI
    Felix is not even in mtf 
    I don't really much proof of this

    Even if its not a false warn i don't think you should get warned for this

  6. This is not really needed as Nu7 can now man checkpoints and we try to do it always
    Can be minged on a lot

    I don't really think this is needed its only about 5-10 seconds to go in open the cp from the inside go outside close the door and run thought its not that hard

  7. Ok I have some reason to  this 
    I have  a lot of bad experience with you ingame
    Only a CPL Which is a really low rank
    People are saying something about you skipping COC Or something
    I think maybe in like a month or two you are able to be good enough for exp i just have like you don't have enough experience yet

    This is coming from someone who is not even in omi9.

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Hope said:

    Great application. You only got the officer question wrong. The correct answer should be, gather evidence and go to senior command +.  At least, that's how it works in CI.

    Uh its Higher rank after that in nu7, you can report them to CPTS but they cannot punish the 2lt only LTCOL+

    Other then that
    You seen like a pretty good for the Branch

    I see you a lot so i'm hoping you will be active on nu7

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