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Not Niro

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Posts posted by Not Niro

  1. Your In-game:MTF Nu7 Recruit Niro


    Your SteamID:STEAM_0:1:453495579


    The admin's name in-game:ravioli


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): Ravioli [GL]


    What did the admin do: False warned with no clear proof of metagaming, He send me the video they sent  to them https://medal.tv/clips/31159044/DxNbYLtcJrbK  Which has no proof of me metagaming there is no way to tell if i saw them hitting the gensec or even listened from far
    And being in ts with them [I don't think its not allowed but incase its needed]


    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED):


    What do you believe should happen to the admin: Nothing much a warning would be good..


    Any extra information:So my story is I was In dblock helping gensec and i see maynard and researcher testing with  a gensec and at that time i was about to leave dblock to patrol but followed them to see what test they gonna do i went there about 3 times once was just following them they kept telling me to leave but i kept saying i came to help  then i was about to leave after i saw ci raid was called in comms and i told them you should not test there is a ci raid and they ignored and kept saying to leave so i did [CI raid was called at armory so i went to check it and came back after finding out it was false After that i went inside to check and saw that there is shots and i saw the researcher having a golf out and seeing the gensec getting hit and killed + maynard i went to shoot the researcher after that 

    • Dislike 3
  2. +Support my man saying erp in advert and randomly shooting mtf and he is not following his sop BTW i talked to someone who was talking to him and he said He was gonna make other Account just to minge on this server Should get him ip banned

  3. -Support 

    Wheatley has been minging on researcher alot I was once playing as class d he kept on breaking prop blocked  Armory  + There is no reason for him to being cuffing a GENSEC 


  4. Name:Niro


    why do you think you should stay in A1: Because i am really active i really want to stay in a1 because its fun to be a part of a protecting vips branch even thought i am a nu7 SSGT i try to be active in a1 and nu7 in the same time

    Status on the roster(Be truthful): Trial period

    If you are labeled as semi/inactive on the roster how will you improve(Dont answer if you are active or LOA): Trial period i don't know if active or not

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