In-Game Name:Ponik
Steam Name:[GL]Ponik
What is your discord username (Ex: Bon#1922):!Ponik!#1488
What is your staff rank in Gaminglight?Mod on Police RP
How often are you on Teamspeak?Everyday
How often do you use Discord?Everyday
Why would you like to be a member of the Support Team? (150 word minimum)?I would like to join the support team to benefit Gaminglight in an even more positive way, grow as a Staff Member. I've been a part of the PoliceRp Staff team for a while now and my experience with the staff team and what players generally go through can be beneficial. Since as staff and with my departments I am constantly in TeamSpeak I can use that time to help new players get set up in the community. Like I've said before I've been with Gaminglight for a couple years and have been a staff member for several weeks now. I like to continue learning and grow myself within the team as to always be. I've been supported in the past and helped with almost everything that I could, in every way possible. I understand all the rules and duties of a support member very well and I could help newer support members as well.
Why should we trust you to become a member of the Support Team?you should trust me to become a member of the Support Team because I am professional, I have a lot of passion, I am a fast learner, I am friendly, I am hard working, I never panic, and I never rage. Also, as I said already, I’ve been a support team member before, so I know how it works.
How would you greet someone that has a problem in one of our tickets, or support channels? "Hello, my name is Ponik from Gaminglight's Support Team. How can I help you?"