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Posts posted by Diz

  1. In-Game Name: 



    Steam ID: 



    ULX Rank (Donator Rank/Staff Rank): 



    How long have you been playing on the server?: 

    Since October 2021


    Have you read the SCP-RP Event Team Guidelines: 



    How many warns do you have? (Screenshot): 



    Why do you want to join event team? 

    I would like to make the server more fun for everyone in my timezone (GMT) as usually there aren't many interesting things happening. And I also want to join ET to try to climb the ranks in staff and hopefully become a Senior Admin one day.


    Why should you be trusted to be part of the Event Team?:

    Now, I know I got removed back when I was an ETT, and there was all the group chat drama, but, I believe I have changed as a person and learnt from my mistakes. Anyways, I am currently an Admin and that means I’m trusted with all the things that come with it, which is, honestly, a lot. Apart from that, I have tons of experience building in GMod and I don’t fail at making high quality events, at least in my opinion.


    Are you familiar/experiences with ULX?: 

    Yes, I have fully mastered it at this point.


    Describe an event you could create (Be specific):

    SCP-1499 Event.


    First off, some background information.

    SCP-1499 is a gas mask which, when put on, transports the wearer to a different dimension, this dimension is filled with SCP-1499-1 entities which may become hostile upon seeing a human.


    How would this event work?

    Simple, so a player will approach SCP-1499 and advert [ACT] Puts on SCP-1499, then, I would bring that person into the dimension, where a few Actors would be modeled into SCP-1499-1, armed with the typical zombie claws. The player could either:

    1. Explore the place, learn about the SCP's lore, etc.

     2. Shoot the SCP-1499-2 instances…

    Also, the SCP-1499-2 instances would have slightly reduced speed so the "visitors" have a chance to escape them.


    Honestly, this event would be a bit hard to make, as it would need tons of cooperation from the actors, but it is still possible.

    • Like 1
  2. HUGE + Support

    Chineseman is a great person to be around with, very friendly and kind overall

    Definetly fit for admin

    Most active staff member right now, too

    Good answers to scenario questions, has good judgement

    Trusted with SCMD in not 1, but 2 branches!

    EXTREMELY active

    I believe that you're a great staff member and are ready for the next step.

    Best of luck!

    • Like 1
  3. Name- Diz

    Steam ID- STEAM_0:0:455967411

    Discord Name- Diz#1822

    Rank and branch (Nu7, E11, CI, Security)- I'm not on any combatant branch as of right now.

    List any punishments you have been given (warns, bans, Strikes, ect)- 3 warns (See pic below), DNT on CI and Medical and blacklist from Nu7 and E11.

    Why do you want to join Delta-5? Currently, the only combatant branch I'm on right now are Royal Guard and Inferno Squad on ImperialRP, and yeah, they're fun and all that, but I feel like D5 is just what I want to be and all that. Also, the weapons are pretty cool.

    Why should we let you into Delta-5? I have lots of experience in combat, escorting VIPs, preventing SCPs from breaching, etc. Apart from that, I'm currently an admin, which means I'm trusted and dedicated to the server in general.

    Do you promise to uphold any and all community, server, and SOP rules and RP values? Yes.

  4. - Support
    We have a zero tolerance policy against racism.

    44 minutes ago, ViperinZ said:

    used as a friendly gesture amongst black people

    You said it, amongst black people, even if your character is black in rp, you shouldn't say it under no circumstances.
    And it looks like you already knew it was a bad word before getting banned, it's just a 7 day ban, wait it out.

  5. Steam Name: [GL] Diz 

    Ingame Name: Diz

    SteamID: STEAM_0:0:455967411

    Job Blacklisted From: MTF (Appealing it for D5 atm)

    Reason for the Job Blacklist: Harrassment  (Branch blacklists on the roster says it's for collaborating with an alt for some reason)

    Dispute: Well, I know it has only been about a month since I got blacklisted, but, I would still like to have a second chance to change and all that, to be honest, what I did was pretty fucked up.
    Even though I didn't directly add people to the group chat to harrass them, I was still in it and didn't report what was happening, and as a staff member, it's even worse considering my job is to prevent stuff like this from happening; I feel like I learnt my lesson. I got removed and blacklisted from CI and Nu7 which were the branches I loved the most and worked my ass off to rank up on them.
    I even lost some friends I had on the server due to all the stupid shit that I did. And again, even though it has only been a month, it was definetly enough time to think about what I did and that, some of you might disagree with me, but I believe that I have changed as a person.
    Even if this gets denied, thanks for reading.

  6. + Support

    Good app

    Very active

    Has been here for a while

    Experience as staff

    59 minutes ago, MichaelWebb100 said:

    What rank are you applying for? Admin

    But remember to fix this, you can only apply for Admin if you’re a Senior Moderator, instead, put Trial Moderator

    Best of luck!

  7. On 5/8/2022 at 4:12 PM, Demon Dice said:

    Man where to start I remember when you got admin it feels like that was yesterday lol and I'm so proud that you have come this far. I have known Fusion for such a long time and he has never done anything that's disrespectful and has been very respectful and reliable. So if you ask me Fusion definitely deserves this position. +SUPPORT


    • Like 1
  8. 13 hours ago, Right Twix Bar said:

    The thing is, THIS ISN'T NEEDED. 

    I could see the point back when Medical and RCU were literally the ONLY medics for the Foundation. 

    But now, EVERY combatant branch has a Medical class. There's CCU for focusing on Sec, MCU for focusing on  Nu7/D5, and RCU for focusing on E11. 

    You don't have a lack of healing when no medics are on. Just play the classes you have. 


    Some things could be fixed with CCU, MCU and RCU in order to increase activity but that’s up to the sub branch directors/heads 

    Also, having to fight someone that can heal is annoying as fuck, - support for now

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