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Posts posted by Diz

  1. In game name: Diz
    Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:455967411
    Discord name: Diz#1822

    When did you start playing SCP-RP?
     I started playing around a year ago but quit,around 2 weeks ago I started playing again.

    Why do you want to join Nu7?
    I want to join Nu7 to join the TRT and assist in the recontainment of SCPs and helping in D-Block,honestly I find Gensec/E11 really boring since,as E11 you're most of the time in base waiting for a CI raid/SCP Breach,and as gensec all you do is sit around D-Block shooting at D Class who cross the red line and die anyway because Gensec guns are really bad,but as Nu7 I would happily stay in D-Block for hours as I would have usable weapons. Oh and also,I want to join Nu7 because I want to join the new MTF branch,but mostly because I want to be TRT.
    I'm also very active and I train my aim in Aimlab everyday so I can get better at pvp.

    If you've been in any other branches, list them and what your ranks are/were:
    CI FTO SFC,Junior Maintenance,Junior Researcher

    Do you understand to get on at least every other day and keep yourself up to date with Nu-7?
    Absolutely,I might not get on everyday,as I'm a student and I might be busy sometimes,but at least as CI,I read the SOP at least once every week in case there's any changes,and I would do the same with Nu7.

    Garry's Mod 10_10_2021 15_32_12.png

  2. So yesterday I was looking at the E-11 (Nine-Tailed Fox) roster,to see what was there about me,Windows/Win. And well…It was normal,but something got my interest,a guy who was active and he was playing as E-11 since February of this exact year,he was 9 months on this job! That's amazing,you'll say,and i've played with him,he does his work pretty well! But...The only problem is that he's a PVT since February,he does his work perfectly,he's active,but he didn't got a single promotion in all of that time! Isn't that weird? It is,at least for me,if you tell me "He was catched minging and..." bla bla bla...I would believe you,yeah but he was a PVT. He would get demoted instantly,it doesn't make sense,so if someone knows why that happens,please tell it to me,it's very unfair for him.

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