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Posts posted by Diz

  1. 9 hours ago, Zack / Zarl said:


    I'm not sure if the actual SCP foundation would let insurgents get all the way until past the final gate to declare a raid...

    I understand what you’re saying but remember that this is a game

    - Support

    Waiting the raid cd is annoying as fuck

  2. 3 hours ago, OWNED said:

    honestly when I saw it in game, people made it seem worse than it was

    he's just being toxic, and considering his status in the server, dont think it was with malicious intent 

    +Support, lower it down to just a warning and verbal tbh and possibly a talking to 


  3. - Support

    Staff in another community, which isn’t allowed.

    No idea who you are (Might be due to timezone)

    You say you’ve been playing for 1-2 years yet you created your forums account very recently

    No picture of warns


    Although, this is one of the best apps I’ve seen in a long time


    Best of luck!

  4. - Support

    Still pretty new to the server, I’d suggest playing for 1 or 2 more months before applying

    App could be a bit better

    Doesn’t meet word requirement, although it’s only by 10 words

    Normally, we don’t ban anyone for glitch abusing (Btw only Senior Mod+ can ban)

    No idea who you are, might be due to my time zone though


  5. 8 hours ago, Starstep said:


    The reason why these areas were removed was because we were nearing the map limit, and they were rarely used.
    Every map can only have so much before the map literally can't compile from Hammer. Because of this, we had to cut down on a few unused areas to add areas and things that would be used.
    In the circumstance that we do swap to a map with more space, I could support the re-addition of listed areas, but until then, I stand on my side.

    If I remember correctly, the map is at 99.991% size or smt like that, like 20% of the map are unused parts on the surface..removing those unneeded parts from the surface would not only allow for more containment cells or other stuff to be added, but it would (probably) decrease lag.

    So, +support

    • Like 2
  6. What is your in-game name?:

    What is your steam name?:
    [GL] Diz

    What is your steam ID?:

    What is your discord username (Ex: Rookieblue#2667):

    Do you have any other experience with staffing?:
    Yes, I've been staff for almost 5 months here in SCPRP. (If yes, explain)

    What date did you start playing on the community?
    Since 9/23 if I remember correctly.

    What date did you make your forums account?
    9/11, 2019

    How many warnings do you have on all GL servers?
    3 warns on SCPRP

    What is your donor rank? (User, Silver, Gold, etc)

    Are you a staff member in another community?

    Have you read the staff handbook?
    Yes, I have basically memorized the whole thing by now.


    What rank are you applying for?

    Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (150 Word Minimum)

    Well, to start off, I have been a Senior Moderator for quite a long time (3-4 months), I believe my reasoning and knowledge of the MOTD are already extremely good and I believe I know what's wrong and what's right, who's lying and who's telling the truth, etc.
    Apart from that, I'm usually really really active, although I'm not always on (As I have school, friends, family, etc), I try my best to be on for at least 3 hours every day.
    And well, I really like to help people and being an Admin would let me help even more people, and finally, l have taken over 2200 sits and have a 4.79/5 star rating (Most 1 star ratings are from people I physically couldn't help because my rank doesn't allow me or other reasons), so, I believe I do a pretty good job as a Senior Mod and would do an even better job as an Admin.


    Q1: How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you?

    First off, I would try to calm down the person, we're humans and we have bad days sometimes, however, if he continues, I would directly tell them to calm down, and if it keeps going, I would gag/mute him. After that, I would check player combat logs to see wether he did in fact MRDM or not. And finally, I would let him know that due to him MRDMing, he is going to receive a Warning and a 5 day ban, after that, I would ban them (Assuming no Admins are online) and make a ban request.

    Q2: You are involved in a staff sit that involves 5 different players. The players begin to get frustrated and the sit becomes very toxic and unproductive. What would you do in this situation?

    I would bring them, one by one to another staff room and let the others talk it out a bit and try to resolve the sit that way. If that doesn't work, I would explain to them that if they keep being toxic, I would gag/mute them and render a final punishment or whatever is needed.

    Q3: In your opinion, what is the best way to handle a situation involving a player that clearly does not care about the punishments they are receiving?

    Most people who do break the rules do it for fun, they think it's "based" or "redpilled" when in reality, they're probably just being annoying for other players and ruining their experience. So, I would explain to them that it isn't funny and it's just a waste of resources for staff to go out of their way to warn/ban them, and that even though some people do find it funny, for most players, it is just annoying.

    Q4: There is a player abusing a known bug, and he has been reported to staff. He swears he followed the server rules when you talk with him. What's the best way to handle this?

    I would check the provided footage (Assuming there is in fact proof) by the person who called the sit and, since it is a known bug, I would explain to the reported player that they can be warned for Lying to Staff, and that having a warning for that, it could make other staff in other sits not believe what you say at all. So, if he keeps lying to me and keeps denying the evidence, I would warn him for Bug Abusing and Lying to Staff.


    (NOTE: I know there have been not so good recent events regarding me and some other people, but, I just want to get a second chance and pursue my dream of becoming a high rank in staff, thank you for reading my app.)

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