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Andrew / Commander Cody

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Everything posted by Andrew / Commander Cody

  1. -Support -I don't see that you but any effort into this appeal -You talked bad about high staff (whats the point) -Just because you've been banned for 8 months doesn't mean anything -You were community banned not banned for 8 months you do something you get a punishment that was all on you bud
  2. Welcome back! What's your old forums account? Also I recommend waiting for a bit so you can get used to everything again and then apply! In all matters Good Luck! Edit: -Support -No poll
  3. What is your in-game name?: Andrew Munchiesians What is your steam name?: Andrew What is your steam ID?: STEAM_1:1:102324524 (from steamidfinder.com) Do you have any other experience with staffing?: (If yes, explain) Moderator on Icefuse Networks then I resigned as I found the server having better players and less trouble after a couple months. What date did you start playing on the community? (roughly) Some where around 2016 then took a very long pause and my good friend Closeman brought me back into this community What date did you make your forums account? June 21st, 2016 Current rank on server (This is a ULX rank ONLY! Not a RP Rank)? Member How many warns do you have on the server? 6 (Edit: I would have 4 a warn was duplicated which made it into 3 warns proof of duplicates http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1333323339 ) Have you donated? No not yet What rank are you applying for? Trial Moderator Have you read the staff guidelines at http://gaminglight.com/main/topic/20650-staff-handbook/? You will be tested on it: I have recently read the guidelines, Yes. Timezone: Pacific Standard Time Permission (Admin+ need this): N/A Why do you believe that you deserve the rank? (Can be any length) I want to help the community out when certain staff can't get on I will most likely be online and help out players who are in need of assistance or have any questions about rules or would like to report a rule breaker. I have dedicated most of my time to the server so that I can get to know more people and try to be as friendly as I can. I have had my ups and downs I would admit that, but I try to be as friendly as I can so that I am not the reason why people don't want to enjoy the server, but so I am the reason why they have a better experience. This is a great server and I don't want to ruin their RP experience just because I believe they are wrong or they are right. I have had warns but I have never had a anti-minge. How would you handle someone that is Mass RDMing and when you bring him/her to an admin sit all they do is curse at you? First I would take them to a roof away from other players so that he can't kill anymore players then I would jail him and ask what's going on. If he/she curses at me I will try to calm them down if they continue with the behavior I will gag them (If I have permission to gag) and I would talk to the person and then tell them what they did wrong. I would then give them the proper punishment of their anti-minge or warning. I will then ungag the person and then ask if they have any questions if they continue to curse at me or disrespect anything or anyone I would then give them the proper punishment and tell them they are free to go and have fun.
  4. -/+Support +Active +Seen on the server ALOT -2 posts on the forums +0 Warns
  5. +Support -I was present during the raid it was a legit raid because they owned the gate -Clout was not even on the server when this was placed (Clout please do not reply to this you were not even present {any messages you need to send me can stay out of this forums post so message me out of here any other posts will be ignored}) -They were past the fence THEY owned (which means that they are in the owned property [Raidable]) -During the sit they said "You never tried to mug us" even though Willie tried to mug one of them and they ran off (Breaking Fear RP) -This is a complete lie, they were past their owned fence so when they pressed the button to open the warehouses doors I shot him in the back and my family rushed in and finished them -I understand it was a misunderstanding from Rhenic Yuki's side but it's all good not everyone will be 100% perfect in anything. In reality everyone makes mistakes, Rhenic is just a a amazing staff member and I am glad that he become part of the staff team for the server I enjoy now. Keep up the good work Rhenic!!!
  6. I don't believe this is true because every single deputy online rushed into a bank raid with shotguns. Where is the RP in your deputys?
  7. Ryan I was told you were trained. I made a entire script that me and another FTO read off of. The script clearly explains EVERY SINGLE RULE you broke as a EMS. Next time I will put you through a 1 hour long session of training and every time you leave I will repeat it. You were EMS for one day and you already got all this punishment. I saw you combat revive several players. I told you DON"T REVIVE HIM BECAUSE THERE IS SHOTS FIRED AROUND THE AREA. But then yet, you ignore me... another reason to listen to higher ups. BECAUSE THEY MOST LIKELY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE DOING UNLIKE A MEDICAL CADET WHO IS BRAND NEW. - EMS Head Deputy Andrew (If you have any further comments about this Ryan message me on teamspeak. If I get texted in forums or any other form of communication It will be ignored. TS name = FTO RR D HD AndrewMunchiesians) While this training may be ignored. I don't want Higher Ups to take blame for your insubordination. I recommend a removal from EMS or a longer training and more explained training for Ryan. I don't want to see another combat revive because us FTO's take time to train you but you decide to not listen to us. :) that's not our fault :D
  8. +support -Active -Haven't had issues with him breaking the rules every time I see him on
  9. -Support Reason for-support I saw with my own eyes you combat healing I told you to return to station and we argued about how you combat revived. It was disappointed how a moderator mass combat revived Also adding to -Support You would not have been blacklisted you were given strikes you are a medical cadet the first rank all EMS get. You don't know how the EMS command runs everything so don't act like you know how we run everything. Ok? Thanks. :)
  10. What you want to see? - Deputys having restrictions on what weapons they are allowed to use Why should we add it? - The first day when Deputys were added criminals were getting mowed down by Deputys because Deputys were using awps, galils, and moves What are the advantages of having this? - Better rp for players as they can have a actual chance because all Deputys do is rush a building with a nova and kill the robber. I saw a Deputy rush my friend Closeman with a nova and kill him during a bank raid Who is it mainly for? - Everyone who believes that Deputys should have weapon restrictions Links to any content - N/A
  11. I agree with this post but as EMS the signal we get from dead body's disappears way to quickly because there is constant deaths on the server. Us EMS get crowded with other dead body's and by the time we see your signal it disappears. So what I recommend is for dead players to do /advert EMS needed at (location)
  12. +Support I would love to use this it adds more RP for EMS Allows EMS to do more things then just running up and reviving them. If we need to take a patient to the hospital we would have something to actually do instead of PD disallowing our RP which isn't fun in my POV (my name is Andrew I cant change my name on the forums...)
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