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Everything posted by PieLard

  1. In Game Name: PieLard Steam ID (Ex. STEAM_0:1:91255427) STEAM_0:0:93580220 Squadron you are Applying for (Guardian, Engineer, Analyst): Guardian Current RP Ranks Held: MTF Nu7 SM If applying for Guardian preferred O5 to guard: Wherever needed most. If applying for Analyst please link notable test-logs here: N/A How many Warns do you have? (With Screenshot Proof) 0 Why do you want to join the Red Right Hand team: RRH seems to be a very interesting branch that does some interesting things and I wish to take part in some of the shenanigans. There also is a time and a place for these shenanigans, that is takes into consideration before attempting such things. When RRH gets down to business, then you better watch out. RRH's attitude when it comes to getting stuff done is something I deeply respect. RRH has a perfect balance of fun and the ability to provide a benefit for the site as a whole. Why should we accept you: If you know me, then you know that I am very active. I am on probably at least 4 hours per day. RRH's activity has been kind of meh lately. They have been getting better but I want to help RRH come back up in its activity just like in the good old days of Alpha-1. I am a staff member of the server, so I already have proven that I am able to handle responsibilities above those of a normal player. As a Nu7 SM I have also shown that I have the knowledge and will power to do my job right. I believe this is the next step for me to take and I hope you agree. (There is not a word requirement, however a one-two sentence application will likely get denied)
  2. And this is us voicing our problems so that SMT can change what needs to be changed.
  3. Mass + Support This whole update seem very un fair from my perspective as an Nu7 main. Behemoth has become un playable and CC's are even more OP. CI did not get hit nearly as hard we Nu7 so CI raids are a massive pain. Plus I have seen no change in how long combat lasts for.
  4. +/- support Everything about you is good in my eyes. Active Nice dude Know his stuff. But that warn for racism. I understand the situation but if you tried to get it appealed and it did not go through there must have been a reason for it. I'm just not sure how I feel about it I would have to be given more information about the whole situation and it was fairly recent. Other then that I think you would be a good staff member.
  5. +/- Support I don't know you ( Probably because you are in CI ) Forum activity needs to increase. ( Not that big a deal ) Application is good and other people who know you are saying good stuff about you. I wish you luck my friend.
  6. No hard feelings. Happens to us all. Worth a good laugh.
  7. Steam Name: [GL] PieLardAss SteamID: STEAM_0:0:93580220 Ingame Name: PieLard Ban Length: 1 week Admin that Banned you: Glados Reason for Ban: Racism. Dispute: I was in a sit trying to get someone banned for racism cause I can't do bans and Glados banned me on accident. I have been unbanned now by him but I would like to have that removed from my record please.
  8. + Support Good dude Active Could see him being staff Note: Add a pole maybe.
  9. That is not the only reason I gave but yes that is part of it. You have 33 warns and that is very close to the 40+ for a perma ban and I personally have never seen you on the server. In your application you even said "Some reason's people may veer off of accepting me is because of my tendencies to minge and not be focused.". As for the nitpicking I was only making an observation. I have my reasons for voting the way I did and I stand by it. I wish this could have ended better for us both but clearly not. Sorry for any confusion caused by the timing.
  10. + Support I was not around when this happened but from my time with him he has shown from what I can tell massive improvement in his ability to preform his job in a respectful manner. I've never had a problem with him.
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