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Posts posted by Bor

  1. +Support,

    One of the best Command Members, Completely deserves Maj+,

    Does everything with upmost professionalism.

    One of the most active.

    Daily Meetings.

    Takes Initiative.   


    One of the best Command Members, Completely deserves Maj+,

    Does everything with upmost professionalism.

    One of the most active.

    Daily Meetings.

    Takes Initiative.   

  2. 18 hours ago, steppy said:

    +/- Support

    The thing is that the defcon level isn't only based on D-Block riots. The riots could cause a defcon 4 but a defcon 3 only if they are getting far in HCZ or are in EZ. I'd say that it should be like this:

    DEFCON 5 - No Nu7 or A1 who aren't guarding a VIP are allowed in D block or the intersection outside of it 

    Defcon 4 - Nu7 and A-1 can be in D-Block if requested by the highest-ranking GenSec on site.

    Defcon 3 - Nu7 and A-1 can be in D-Block if requested by the highest-ranking GenSec on site.

    Defcon 2 - Nu7 and A1 who aren't guarding a VIP may enter D block freely

    A-1 Should be the last resort for D-Class riots if they're not doing [REDACTED], Nu7 should be the first responders. And A-1 goes wherever their VIP does anyways.


  3. 33 minutes ago, Catsro said:

    +/- Support

    Little forums activity

    I have seen you active in game

    Q16 is correct but could be worded better also I believe you shouldn't mute them off of the bat and should calm down the user.

    A few grammar issues within Q15

    0 Warns in game the user seems to follow the rules


    Overall if you fix the negatives above you can be a good Trial Moderator 


  4. 11 hours ago, SS1 said:



    • Very active
    • Well written application
    • Q16 is nearly perfect
    • Genuine person in-game
    • No warns


    • No Staffing Experience

    Great application, and I personally believe you are very deserving of this position.

    -@klasmova#6217 if you have questions or complaints-

    Will require the name if he becomes Staff, (They usually have it because of perks)

  5. big boy Gensec CPT Got Staff Trial mod (I was so god damn excited) - Mod (Flipped my chair) - (Sen Mod) Flipped my Chair Again Getting yelled at. - Admin) Broke a plastic water bottle in half.Demoted To 2LT, Transferd to E11, Am I satisifed Staff Wise, Yes, RP Wise, Not Quite Yet.....


  6. +/-

    Great 2LT.

    Good App. (Other then Q 16)

    Nice Reason.

    Long Player.

    Q16 Is wrong, The First part is correct, But you wouldn't be able to minge the required amount 10,000 for MRDM, (As stated by the Staff HandBook) Administrated by a Admin+

    Also Don't reply too your App.

    I suggest you Go over staff Handbook a Couple more times.

    Good Luck!

  7. Name: Boris

    Rank: JR

    Clearance Level: 2

    List of Personnel involved in testing: 1 Nu7, 3 D Class, 1048.

    Amount of D class involved:  3

    SCP: 1048

    Errors and/or safety hazards: Open Area, 1048 Could run at us and Scream.

    Question; How much pressure can we put on 1048 Before he screams.

    Background Research: 1048 Tends to scream when he is Harmed or Discomforted from something.

    Hypothesis: That 1048  would Be set off by the Paper Knife, and Punching, And Jumping Around.

    Observation: D class Performed well, 1048 Screamed when The Paper Knife Skinned his fur, And when he was punched, And Kicked against the wall. 1048 Did not scream when jumped around or when the D class was spinning and punching the air. Also he did not scream when the paper knife was swung around him, Only when it physically touched him.

    Visual Stimuli (Photos/ videos): N/A

    Analysis: 1048 Screamed 3 Times, Once a Kick to the wall, A paper Knife Skinning him, And a Punch to the face.

    Conclusion: 1048 Only reacts to Physical Touch.

    Do your results align with your hypothesis?: : 2/3 1048 Did Not get set off by Jumping around but DId get set off by Punching and the Knife.

    Please tell me how I did, This is my First Test!

    Thank you for reading!

  8. +/-

    Waiting for PRP Staff to respond, But, You did 101 Words Just on the bridge,

    Reason for wanting to join seems legit, Can understand having to run around trying to aquire a support member.

    (Will change to a +Support with feedback from PRP Staff)

  9. On 8/27/2019 at 5:15 PM, Train Overlord said:


    Only if the changes below are applied in some way

    1): Can only use once every 5 Minutes (this timer starts the moment the current influencer exits the trance or dies) = This is to stop spamming the trance on everyone they encounter.

    2): Can Influence one individual for a max of 5 minutes. = Prevents 035-1 from gaining a literal army and taking over the foundation and managing to stop containment teams.

    3): Cannot influence same person twice in one life = Prevents same person from being nabbed.

    4): Needs to roll 60+ for lower Security, 70+ for Security command (LT+), 75 for MTF/CI and 95+ for commanders and cannot command Site Administration  = The ability to command someone to do anything you desire is a pretty powerful ability stepping over near the power gaming area and considered that in lore every person in the foundation has a natural high resistance to memetic hazards and those working with SCP-035 would have trained in deflecting this influence it makes sense such a high roll needed is justified (the higher rank/importance the harder to control). Remember, your commanding them to do anything you want besides from the other things I mentioned from shooting people and disobeying their usual rules. Not commanding Administration is to prevent 035-1 from commanding them to activate the nuke, gain access to forbidden areas and commanding the A1 and the entire site (so gameplay reasons). And similar reasons for why the roll is high for Commanders because then 035-1 can command the entire MTF basically. 

    5): Influenced personal must remain near SCP-035-1

    6): Influenced personal must defend 035-1 under all circumstances = Otherwise it would be impossible for foundation to tell who is influenced and gives them a chance to tell.

    7): Cannot influence people through glass (you mentioned this in direct contact but just to classify

    8): Cannot influence in groups of people (SCP's don't count) = Prevents 035-1 to running up to a group of containment guys or MTF and pressing their influencing bind.

    9): Cannot influence SCPS = Common sense


    The above changes should balance it out and stick it away from power gaming. And while I'm still iffy on the subject the above changes would sit well.


    Otherwise -Support

    Would you think it would just be a (Whoever rolls Higher situation, Not a (You have to roll a specific amount)

  10. 11 hours ago, Train Overlord said:

    The situation was handled but not finished,  we were unable to give a proper punishment due to the lack of our rank power. Because of this, we have decided to leave the final punishment down to SA+ who we hope will look at this report.

    Steppy and I responded to the case and everything went smoothly. Fish admitted to all crimes present in the list below. We had Video and screenshot evidence to support his guilt and in the end Fish confessed to all charges held against him. 

    List of all confessed actions.

    - Prop Block  (done heavily)

    - Prop Spam (done heavily)

    - Prop Minge (done heavily)

    - Prop kill (done heavily)

    - RDM (done moderately)

    - Noclip Abuse (done severely) 

    - Spamming Nuke (done severely)

    - Threats (done uncommonly)

    - Spamming several Staff buttons (intercom, SCP-106 Breach button), (done severely)


    Due to a lack of available power and the disconnection of SA+ due to timezone. He was only given a warn and a 10k anti-minge as we were unable to get ahold of higher Staff. However, we made sure to alert him that future punishment may occur and to check in to this post.

    I leave this to the higher staff to make a final punishment. Thanks!


    I suggest  a bigger minge/Ban.

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