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Everything posted by adlz

  1. 1. Name of the SCP you would like added: SCP-1879 2. Link(s) to player models: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=110138917 ? 3. Link(s) to SWEPs: no sweps, ya just gotta be able to spawn things. 4. How much health/armor do you think it should have? mmmmm, basically immortal? If you try to catch him he DE manifests. 5. Why should we add this SCP? I didn't want it as an offical SCP on the server I wanted it as an event. But if it was an scp that'd be pretty "killer". The reason I wanted this as an event is because I love the SCP, its such a weird concept but it just works and its a very doable event 6. Basic summary of the SCP: The indoor salesman, this in SCP canon takes place in Washington but its better if we could make it to where its everywhere. SCP-1879 door can manifest on any door, once there SCP-1879-2 will manifest and attempt to sell anything to personnel near by. These "sales" can be anomalous or regular items that come with detrimental prices to the one he is selling. If subject does not buy the product he will pester him indefinitely until personnel come to buy the product. If anyone tries to harm the SCP he will demanifest back out the door, and will probably come back. 7. Extra information: an SCP-1879 event, the Indoor Salesman. A door spawns near D Block or IN D Block not my choice but A man in a tuxedo and hat with a smile for miles pops out attempting to sell to people. The things he sells are either anomalies or normal things for A HEFTY price, either your life or an internal organ. When foundation personnel attempt to grab him he disappears or can kill the personnel by manifesting things inside them Reedited it so it fit format thats what the first replies about
  2. This interview was authorized by the DoRS.
  3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1mnqjUgjRpju5LI3agGeKLrEi62sHguzgrwwp4Va299M/edit?usp=sharing
  4. You outdid urself with this log, I love the little signature at the end too. Phenomenal
  5. Lore Name: Researcher Keagan Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80601481 Rank: Researcher Activity Level: 10/10
  6. Lore Name: Researcher Keagan Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:80601481 Rank: Researcher Activity Level: 9/10
  7. Lore Name: Researcher Keagan Rank: Researcher SCP: SCP-280 Question / Idea: Will SCP-280 react to a multitude of flashlights. Background Research: SCP-280 is a black human-shaped mass with two large white eyes on the head and two hands with very long and thin fingers. No feet or legs are visible, as the lower portion of the body appears to fade away several centimeters from the ground. SCP-280 appears to be wholly composed of matter that can gain or lose corporeal form, this is affected by beams of light like sunrays. Hypothesis: I believe this experiment will weaken SCP-280 to the point of him being nearly underground. With all the flashlights pointed at him. Analysis / Conclusion (What Could Of Caused The Results): I was injured during this test but I got the information I needed, my flashlight was the least useful against SCP-280. Same with the MTF (the guy that's just donut from rvb) was also injured, he was equipped with a High-Intensity Discharge HID Flashlight. The RIS and the other Researcher who stayed bravely in as we exited there flashlights seem to work, defending them to the point where they could leave the cell safely. Quick trip to the medbay and my wounds were not fatal. Thankfully. Unfortunately after this another test with this anomaly ended the lives of 2 foundation personnel. A RIS unit and a Researcher. Was Your Hypothesis Correct?: Yes and no, only certain type of flashlights can hold SCP-280 back and potentially weaken the anomaly. All the flashlights being pointed at him still got me injured, maybe due to the fact that SCP-280 is only effect by a certain type of flashlights. It may have attacked me because of my flashlight not being angled correctly to the subject, I have no idea what it said to me.
  8. Name: Security LCPL Cornwall Rank: LCPL
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