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Posts posted by Berserkrpups

  1. 4 hours ago, Catsro said:

    +/- Support 

    I believe Fear should be talked to. As a Senior Moderator you should understand to not gag or use staff powers off duty as that is unacceptable. Rdm was not the way to handle the problem neither. This is why Reaper could have handled the sit since there was no other staff available. Also Judy here can be in the wrong also if you were dissing and being a minge. This Staff Report can be denied cause of 2 things. 1 of them being that you did not use the format for a staff report. The other is that there is no evidence to go off on beside what both of you guys said. If you correct the format and post evidence this post could be reviewed.



  2. +Support

    14 hours ago, Two_Six said:

    I have noticed that you lack initiative when it comes to leading and managing other GenSec as well as improving yourself and others

    Personally I think this is false but that is just me from when I had come to blacklist you from Chaos Insurgency in my eyes you were constantly trying to improve yourself as a person and had came to me multiple times to apologize which was on your own initiative and not someone telling you that you can't do it. On a real note although we've haven't talked much you as a person completely improved your attitude and your character and I am happy enough to give you my full support. 

    14 hours ago, Two_Six said:

    you complain more than critic, which is not a favorable feature among Senior Command. 

     I think it should be a favorable trait as if complaints are not coming in positive/negative things don't change for the better. If people are afraid of complaining and they dislike something you can count on that person to leave or not have the greatest views of a certain branch or system. 

    Other than those points I wanted to talk about you are:
    -Active In-Game // TS


    -A good member of the community 

    Don't know if I could've been a High Command Vouch since I am CI but if War Gamer // Matricies saw this then I would vouch for Gunther


  3. So it was my first day on the server didn't know what my friend and I wanted to get so we simply just joined gensec and then research, but then both of us got bored and went back to D-Class so my friend got off and I continued and got an opening in D-Block to escape with some people I made it all the way to EZ from a CI Infiltrator John (big man I will say). He said that he will be back and I and four other people were hiding in the MTF bunks. Sooner or later John showed up and we ended up escaping with 8 others that he picked up. We ran to CI base and we started screaming at Conner to train us just to find that 912 was on the surface with a ump45 and was just gunning down the D-Class me and this other D-Class ran to docks and were chillin in a container once that was over we went back to conner just to find out that there was 4 of us left. Conner had us do "a game" he mainly just asked questions about SCP's me and the kid I hid with made it to the second round when the kid said, "I think Tony deserves this more than I do" then this man starts punching Conner and gets gunned down. after that, I did the training. My first day I asked Hoopla to put me on the roster since I was trained yesterday and I get promoted to PVT then I go on to work my ass off for the next month while having all of our High Command resign // transfer // or removed it was rough. When I was working my way up I got many opportunities when I hit SGT that is where it showed and working for a Low Command spot was pretty easy then. Hitting Low Command was either the best or the worst thing as it was fun that I got to do what I wanted to do but it was hard to act as a professional as possible not to say we could train anyone since of all of those training blocks. When I hit Captain I was the rank for about 2 days then got COL which was a completely different sight. This is the rank that changed me from a small body to BIG BODY as I took on a lot of things that I didn't think I was gonna do. Throughout the span of a month, I did a lot of things as a Colonel and it reflected in a promotion to Commander and then soon General and have been a member of Chaos Insurgency since January and loved every moment. 

  4. 21 hours ago, Catsro said:


    • Fairly new to the community
    • Low Forums activity / Made a forums account 3 days ago
    • No Pool
    • Q15 has a few grammar mistakes.
    • While certain parts of your Q16 was correct, the tone of the message in the beginning seems not friendly.


    Overall Mike, I would get more well known in the community before reapplying. You can achieve this by joining other branches and even chatting in Team Speak. If you work on these things above I believe you can become a good future Trial Moderator.


  5. -Support

    1. You can't do branch updates

    2. CI looks fine I don't know what you are on about

    It isn't that hard to identify targets in my opinion

    All models MTF and CI are fine


  6. 10 minutes ago, Catsro said:

    +/- Support

    It may not be fair to CI that raid, for MTF to remember their past life and go to the spot of where the CI was going. I think that could contribute to the Breaking of NLR. After all, it is a new life you shouldn't have that knowledge. On the other hand, MTF has the problem of transport to where they have to go to LCZ from EZ when they die in EZ and that takes them X amount of minutes. I do think this NLR rule should be revised to make it to where MTF or CI have to go a different route when they die. An example would be, Someone dies in EZ on medbay side then the player could go to non-medbay side to find CI or SCPS or what have you this could combat the problem you guys are having.


  7. I would like to hear more on @jackrhyssull side.

    3 hours ago, Androntel said:

    1) You might want to have more evidence than just “logs”. Since you put no time or date, you’re asking staff to just search through hundreds of hours of logs. Even with the ability to search STEAMIDs, they would still have trouble finding what you speak of.


    2) You should explain the situation more, as right now theres almost no information about what happened. Start with saying what you were doing prior it the incident, what job you were on, what job the accused was on, and what happened after.


    3) This seems like it should be in the staff report section, if you’re reporting a false warn. Additionally, was the person who you shot the one that warned you? At Gaminglight, staff are not supposed to take their own sits, and this could be a possible additional accusation.


  8. Your In-game: Tony


    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:59112440


    The admin's name in-game: Delta on Duty


    The admin's steam name (If you know it): [GL] stefansniper17 // STEAM_0:1:86307126


    What did the admin do: Adding himself to whitelists that he wasn't trained for/promoted for


    Evidence of the abusive action(s) (REQUIRED):

    Evidence 1

    Evidence 2

    Evidence 3

    Evidence 4

    What do you believe should happen to the admin: Pretty sure he was already Staff Restricted but since he did this as a staff member I believe he should have it extended. And if he wasn't then a possible strike or removal.


    Any extra information: I already removed the Whitelists 

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