Steam Name: nickmeplz2
What is your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:238001537
Have you read our information: Yes, I understand what I have to follow.
Do you understand our code of conduct: Yes, i have read and I understand that I must be a loyal and great member.
Are you RP player or PVP player or balance of both: both
Do you agree not to disclose any information about our organization: yes
How many warns do you have: The link of the screenshot:
How many days of playtime on PoliceRP do you have: I had 5 days until they swicth the map which reseted my time, but now im at 1 day.
Why would you like to join the Umbrella Corporation: I have heard many great things about the clan and also see them around, and I feel like I could be apart of this clan. Also, I feel that I could help the clan and be a nice member. I would love to join if I can.
Did anyone recommend you: No, but i have talked to Death Striker about the clan