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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. 2 hours ago, Jet TZ said:

    -SUPPORT It already does 35 damage and also has a crap ton of recoil...

    We paid 100$ for the class. And 20$ for the gun. I think it should be buffed since the recoil is super super high. Also in a “1v4 situation” tac units should easily be able to take down someone with a negev even though it’s usually a 10v1 or more. 

  2. 6 minutes ago, Logan said:

    - Support

    You still need to advert warn. You pointed a gun at each of them and said you gave them 5 seconds. You still need to advert warns such as warn 1/2/3. They were also warned for FearRP as they didn't listen to your orders. However, whether not you carjack them or kidnap them or what you still need to advert such. 

    where does it say in motd that you need to advert warn 1/2/3

  3. 2 hours ago, Dane said:

    Sure, better RP for the server.

    But would you really expect someone to accept the fact that they are going to be held for interrogation for more than 30 minutes? I don't think so. 30 minutes is already a long time, I think they would just leave the server or not cooperate at all.


    I would say 15-30 max

  4. 33 minutes ago, Lt. Hank Anderson said:

    @maral the great i just got on plus i was allowed in doc i have perms from doc warden and head admin myan and he was really pissing me off i had a very ruff day that day mainly because my best friend died and none even likes me on the servers no matter what i do i get in shit even when i do something good i some how get blamed  for something bad i never done and i had to pay lots into my cc to change it cuse blacklisted in fbi so i wasted $400 canadian cash on that shit and this is now im treated most times i get treated like that was same thing in school and i nearly killed my self cuse of it all this crap im bamed for or treated like makes me feel just like i felted in school



    you dont care about my mental problems i have ADHD FAS even my brian does not work normal i act before i think i cant understand normal shit u would and afteri  read thos shit from u i feel like crying 

    Just because you’re having a rough day doesn’t mean come on the server and start rdming. Doesn’t matter if someone is making you angry you still need a valid reason to kill them 

  5. On 1/28/2019 at 10:43 AM, th3 said:

    In my opinion I think Bambob is one of the few Senior Mods who exemplifies what should be expected from Admins. 


    Active as he can be


    Indepth knowledge of the rules/handbook

    Also terrible at Golf With Friends

    Huge +support 

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