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Posts posted by BigJohnny

  1. 1 hour ago, Pliskin said:

    Money should have nothing to do with whether or not a weapon should be nerfed the problem is that the weapon can mow down a group of police in seconds. That is what makes the gun broken and in new players perspectives pay to win... While yes the weapon should be somewhat strong, it should not be able to do that much! That is broken! This is only my opinion do not get offended if you do not agree with it!

    What’s broken is getting swarmed by 20 cops and have about 100 armor more than criminals and have increased movement speed. Criminals get something in their favor and instantly needs to be nerfed since cops don’t win all the time

  2. 1 hour ago, [GL] My Pet named Steve said:


    There is almost nobody who plays criminal who doesn't have a gun


    If someone has a full auto LMG pointed at you, are you really going to fight back?

    If I had a lmg yes ?

  3. 3 hours ago, Will Newel said:

    +/- Support 

    You did put yourself into that sittuation and huner has full right to arrest you 

    You probably didn’t intend to mic spam. I can tell the sittuation was a little hectic and it was the only way to get your point across. 

    I understand he had full right to arrest me but he called a staff sit for cop bait instead of just rping it out.

  4. 6 hours ago, Friendly Steve said:

    - Support 

    - Very immature of you to try and call out staff members when it has absolutely nothing to do with your application 

    - Never seen you

    - No proof of warns

    - Minimal effort

    - Not alot of posts for your forums account being a year old

    - Question 16 needs to be elaborated alot more


  5. 21 hours ago, ramb01085 said:

    -support most of the people that you have a hit on are going to be in public. Like a cop they wont go behind an alleyway by them self. 

    Some cops will never go by themselves so if you get a hit on a cop that is scared to be by himself you have to kill yourself to get a new hit .

  6. Your In-Game Name: BigJohnny 

    Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:190683417

    Staff member's In-Game Name: David UF

    What did they do?  He pulls me out of bank for a killbox when the base clearly wasnt a kill box and than just returns me back to bank with no issues. He should have known that I was robbing bank and its pretty frustrating when you are robbing bank for 750k have a hostage and randomly get teleported out of bank for literally no reason since nothing was wrong with the base ruining the entier

    Evidence (REQUIRED): 


    What do you think is an acceptable punishment? maybe a strike. 

    • Like
  7. 6 hours ago, Unkn0wn_F1R3 said:


    If people can impersonate PD;

    They could give another PD member a bad name by impersonating them

    They could go round demoting or promoting people if impersonating a command member

    Would encourage stealing police cars which is against the rules

    People would minge as this and mess around.

    Not to mention spawn killing, false arrests turning into kidnapping, taking over government areas, etc.

    Ima have to agree with bob bob.

    changing +support to -

  8. On 1/27/2019 at 12:20 PM, Chief_ said:

    They can't break rules. Like they can't use 682 unless he accepts a deal with the ci. But they can't weaponize 106 cause he wants to capture people. 173 can be of placed in right area. If 096 is enraged by ci they have to kill the person that enraged them. As according to lore he only rates when someone sees his face 


    • Like 1
  9. IG Name: BigJohnny

    Link to Steam Account: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198341632562/

    How many warnings do you have: 29

    What departments are you in and what rank: PD SM 

    Why do you want to be EMS (150 Words Minimum):I want to be EMS because its a fun department and I miss roleplaying as EMS, I left a while ago but now i want to join the department and stay apart of the department. I miss reviving people 24/7  and its fun RPing with people when they get revived.  I feel like i would be a good addition to ems as i am very active and dedicated to the departments that i join. I really hope i am accepted because i miss this department. the people inside that department are fun to play with aswell. I have lots of freinds in this department that make this department even greater. If i am accepted I promise to stay active and follow all SOPS and guidelines. RPing as EMS is really fun to play as when theres a lot of shootouts because I want to help  people in need of medical assistance. 

    Who recruited you? (Put N/A if nobody did) N/A

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